Who's down wit' O.P.P.?

Feb 21, 2007 20:40

This is not targeted to anyone on this list, just a general observation.

Parents, particularly new parents, and even many pet owners sometimes forget that not everyone is as interested as they are in hearing colorful details about Other People's Poop. I profess no disdain for anybody's successful pooping; one could envision dire consequences indeed were this act to suddenly cease, or never have happened at all. But many of us who are used to allowing these matters to take care of themselves unaided and not closely observed simply don't share the same fascination. Totally fine if you do, just remember that the sharing should be kept to a minimum unless the audience genuinely has some corresponding enthusiasm for the subject.

Failure to do so is punishable by getting bad early 1990s songs forcefully implanted into your cranium.


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