Blah so I watched Tank Girl tongiht It's an awesome movie, but the company was even better. Any how to update everyone on things. I have died. And satan now lives in my pants and controls my forever rotting corpse. ha... Right. So I now own a car, it's a peice of shit, but it's a peice of shit that I didn't have before. lol. I wanted a CRX but the Douche bags never answered their phone and I'm impatient. lol. Anyhow it's an 85 Plymouth Caravelle. I'll get some pics up at some point. lol. I'm going to pimp it out Bryen Style. oHHHH YEAH. lol. It's not really that much of a peice of shit. It has a dent from where a small tree fell on it. It has a hole in the muffler and needs new brakes. And the interior isn't that great but I already planned on doing something about that before I even saw it. Oh another problem is the speedometer only goes to Ninety. that will have to be fixed. I was bored and I screwed around with these pictures... so I'm posting them. I also made a new background since my other one was deleted by the stupid nazis at lol. No I don't think they are really nazis, but they are german.
Of course this one is older you can tell because of the hair and lip.
They aren't anything special just a result of my boredom. I also created a new FTJ account. I don't remember the SN though, lol, think Bryen, think. It's not working. Anyway it's on there, just look for males that live in livermore. I'm probably the only one on there. Oh wait, disregard that non-sense I remeber, ReverenDevil <
Anyhow, I want to feel loved so even if you don't really like me you should leave me a comment clouding my mind with the thought of you liking me so that one day you can use it against me, lol. But seriously, if you read this atleast say hi or leave some comment. I want to see how many people just skim through and not really read everyones journals. I do, sometimes i just skim through and see if anything catches my eye, if it does I read it and perhaps comment. But there are certain peoples that i always read when I see they have posted.
I'm out leave some love it may be a little while before I'm on again and who knows before then I could die then you would feel guilty for not leaving a comment, wouldn't you? I know I would, so you should just leave one, or as many as you want actually.
And for the record. I HATE NAIR
but my nipples are better now.