Jun 06, 2003 15:23
*~*Personal Info*~*
1. [Full Name] Bryen Keith Harrington
2. [Nickname]Bry, Cupcake(only shawnee calls me that)
3. [Birthday]October 12, 1984
4. [Age] 18
5. [Grade] yeah...
6. [Where you were born] Albany, New York
7. [Parents] Carl & Venice
8. [(parents)Divorced/Married/Seperated]Divorced
9. [New Families]I have six illegitimate children, who think i'm a one legged sailor named sam.
10. [Siblings](oldest to youngest) Carl jr, Tara, Devin, Natasha, and Zachary... OH! and my Cousin Bobby may actually be my brother! Long story... my dad's brothers ex-wife was a slut.
11. [Where Are You Right Now] in the computer room
12. [Best Friend(s)] Mysti!!!!!! Dannie!!!!! Randall!
13. [Other Friends] Jory, Ang Blair, Kasey, Casey, Ryne, Wendy, Justyn, Chris K, ummm... ummmm... Kayla, Amber, Jana, Dawn, Sara H, Jocelyn, Scott M, Craigles, Merideth, Karyon, Monica(not squidget a different monica), Leanne, Mandi, Erika F, ummm... ummm... if i forgot you... sorry... but i must move on...
14. [How Many People Are On Your ICQ List]too many, i don't know over half of them nor do i talk to them, but it's ok... cause i no longer use icq, cause icq sucks big PP.
15. [Height] 6'1"ish
16. [Hair Color] Black
17. [Eye Color] Blue
1. [Color] Pink, Black, Red, Blue, Silver
2. [Movie] The Crow
3. [Show] my mom... what?
4. [Holiday] Halloween
5. [Soda] Cherry Coke
6. [Food] Eggs, and Pasta
7. [State] New York
8. [Vacation spot] ummm... yeah, we don't go on vacations
9. [Subject] Arts
10. [Sport] Cheering...
11. [Animal]
12. [Number] 25, same reason as my Doll
13. [Car/Truck] Hearse, or a van, or something that can run other things over... =)
14. [Past time] napping with my Doll
15. [Store] Salvation Army
16. [Type Of Clothes] Anything that catches my eye
17. [Song] So many good songs... hmmm... the Circle Jerks - Killing For Jesus!!
18. [Group] this one's hard too... hmmm... oh well
*~*Person With The Best. .*~*
1. [House] Jesus...
2. [Truck] Again I'm going to have to go with Jesus...
3. [TV] well... Jesus of Course
4. [Couch] I'd say jesus but he really doesn't have a couch... just a giant wooden cross... he's a cheap bastard... we usually have to sit on the floor when we chill at his house...
5. [Phone] Jesus has this awesome phone.... you can take pictures of things and send it to other people... this one time Jesus sent me a picture of him and a sheep... it was disturbingly funny...
6. [Phone#] Jesus has a great phone number... it's really ironic that he got this number... 666-0666... isn't that great... i love you jesus... but don't try to touch me there again... i don't love you that way!
*~*My Friend That (Is)-*~*
1. [Nicest] Hmmm... a toss up between Dannie, and Mysti.
2. [Funniest] Randy, at times
3. [Ditziest] Amber
4. [Meanest] Randy, at times...
5. [Acts Blonde] Mandi
6. [Funnest] hmmm... Mysti and i always had fun together...
7. [Can Always Make You Laugh] Jesus... he's one funny mother fucker!
8. [Knows The Most About You] My Shawnee Doll.
9. [Fun To Talk To] well i don't talk too much... so... i dunno
1. [Do You Plan To Get Married] Someday
2. [If So, To Whom] ?
3. [Where Do You Want To Get Married] At the beach under the stars or during sunset.
4. [How Many Kids] hmmm... i'd like to have four, maybe a couple more...
5. [Names] well there's a few... and by few i mean more names of kids than kids i would have... lol
6. [Ever Traveled Anywhere] well yeah... New York to Maine, Maine to Texas, Texas Back to Maine.
7. [Ever Gone Skinny Dipping]Yes before i had hair on my... well you get the picture.
8. [Last Movie You Saw In The Theaters, With Who] The Matrix: Reloaded, With My Shawnee Doll
9. [Last Movie/Show You Watched On TV] uhhhh... jesus and friends
10. [Are You Single] NOPE!
11. [Crushes] I'll Crush you!