
Jan 02, 2008 14:30

*i'm back after a long break*

So over the break we've been watching a lot of movies and tv. I've realized how much TV/Movies make us who we are in life, even if we do not stop and think about it.

Claire quotes movies and i don't even pause to think it strange. We make reference to people acting like people from a movie or tv. And this next one may only be me...if i drop my house/car keys when i am all alone...i have to stop and take notice of my suroundings...because people in the movies always drop their keys before someone sneaks up behind them lol

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Does anyone have their own true personality in life? We create who we are by what we see around us... what we watch on the big screen, see in magazines, and even read in books. I can't even count how many times i've been standing in my kitchen and the refridge door swings back open and i think of how great it would be to have a magical wand like in Harry Potter and say a little charm to make it shut back again.

I catch myself doing things or talking like a character from a movie and normally just think of it is no big deal. But part of my "new years resolution" is to find myself and become a happier person, be happy with who i am and not want to change who i am all of the time. Then it came to me that i am too many characters rolled up into one order to really get to who i am...i would have to take out all of the people i've met, watched on movies, and read in books over the years!

I thought about taking the tv and unplugging it *gasp* for awhile so i was not tempted to quote or act like anyone else but myself. Then a realization came over me far out of the norm i would be by taking tv/movies/books out of my life. Who doesn't know the quotes from tv, movies, books...even the news personalities!? I think that maybe i was over-thinking the getting to know myself? I can't imagine not being able to have quirky come-back's in a conversation that came from a movie that i love!

So, the question of my new year is, "who am i really?" and do i really want to change who i am in my quest to find myself this year?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a wonderful 2008 everyon :o)

tv, claire, life, movies, kids

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