New journey

Jul 21, 2014 23:03

Today I had my first session with a Personal Trainer. Her name is Jennifer, she is young, svelt, and...has a border collie! Most of you know I've been battling a bad back/and or hip for a while now, and NOW it's horrid. I have tried massage, chiro, infrared, had X-rays, heat, ice, you name, it.

But, I know part of the problem is my weak onward!

We did alot of stretches, and squats (I have a feeling I'm going to learn to HATE squats...anyway, it was fun...we chatted about dogs, agility, kids and it went fast...and relatively easy. hour later...BAM! I can't step on that stupid left hip! Thank goodness Russ took over dinner, served it to me while I iced....and now...I'm better! I have an ice chest next to my bed In case I need it during the night, I won't have to hobble downstairs.

We'll see how the week goes...but I'm gonna try to stick it out and see her a couple more times before I go see another ortho inEugene. Here's to strength! Mental and physical!

day 1

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