The wind started howling about 5:30 a.m., which mean dogs start stirring...our house is VERY tall and the wind and my bedroom are very together in letting me know that we have a tall house. (It is called the 'Long Tall' house....after Dr. Long who used to own it for many years and also for it being very TALL). Anyway, all this means is that I've been up since then...and reading blogs, and playing on my iPad, because I can.
Mick is asleep on my right hand side, with one arm over my arm and the other under my arm, holding my can I move? Biz is below Mick, and Tru takes up most of the bottom of the whole Queen bed. I am 'allowed' the left hand side of the bed, kind of...
Anyway, to catch up a bit. I have been enjoying all the posts and the helps me thru the hard times of mom passing. I was thinking this morning about when we say we 'lost' someone...and that's kind if how it feels...and makes you feel when you lose someone close to you...lost. It feels like THEY are lost, because you don't know WHERE they are (and in my case, I'd known where mom was 24/7 for years) and personally, you FEEL lost, as you don't actually know how to handle some of the feelings, situations, etc without that person. Yes, LOST.
Anyway, a huge mix of emotions, feelings, dealing with things you don't want to have to deal with. Being an adult, it's hard sometimes. Now, out here...I COULD get lost, and maybe okay with that.
This is the ATV side of the sand dunes...but it's winter...and in winter, they aren't crawling around here like I can. Which is great because this side is way cooler, and more open, and also full of garbage! What pigs...they seem to love to toss pop cans, then run over them and pulverize them into smithereens! (Is there such a word, Rosie?)
There are about 3 cases of squished pop cans in these former newspaper bags. The only whole one was right by the parking lot...they must have missed that one. I have decided I need a cruddy old backpack to put trash in so I don't have to carry the bags back...I keep dropping them!
We have been hiking ALOT. I try to go everyday, but the rains are hindering that abit. Some days I just go in town. It's my solace, my escape. I can just BE. I went the other day with JUST Tru and Biz...because Mick had been so sore and grumpy the day before from a grueling hilly dune hike, course, he insisted on carrying a 4 lb log UP the big dune...such a silly boy! He just doesn't know 'take it easy old man'!
I have been cleaning out Moms's a HUGE ordeal. She was an organized HOARDER. every cupboard, drawer and closet is STUFFED FULL...SHE THREW NOTHING AWAY. I mean nothing. But it was organized used rubber gloves, all a box. Worn out a box...used kitchen a plastic tub. i know it has to do with her going through the war, the depression, etc, but WOW. Russ and I have made many trips to the dump with our Wells,Cargo trailer FULL. The people at the recycling place know us be name. Oh much clutter...organized clutter at least. But it's hard, very hard. But it has to be done. I mean...she has BOXES of letters, cards, etc that are written in German...or Estonian, and we can't read them! But it's hard to toss them, knowing SHE kept them all these 60 or so years! But I know I'm not going to keep them!
We grew up in one of the largest homes in Coos Bay. We were NOT rich, but people thought we were because of the big house. Here is a sketch of it as it was in the 1930's...
The side porches had been removed when Mom 'stole' this house from the owners (Albert Powers, the city Powers is named after their family) around 1962. She paid $27,000 for this house. It was in pretty sad repair, it had not been lived in for many years. But she managed to scrimp and save from the money Dad gave her and remodeled the inside and fixed up the outside. (mom never worked outside the home). My Dad owned a local radio station, and although successful, he was horrible with money, and a gambler on top of that...he loved to play the cards.
This house is located at 955 South 5th Street ( and now a Bed & Breakfast) 1993, Mom sold it (under duress, but too big and expensive for just her) and moved ONE BLOCK west to 955 South 7th. (There is no 6th Street)..and she nearly put EVERYTHING that was in THIS BIG house, into her new, 1/2 the size house...the one I'm cleaning out now. (Sorry, no pics saved of the new one on the iPad...I'll post one later).
So I regress... Anyway...that's what I'm up to, sorting, and then de-stressing by hiking.
Pictures of the dunes can be SO deceiving...I'm actually standing on top a of HUGE dune. If there were a dog by my HEAD, it would the size of a flea. this is exactly how alot of the dune accidents happen...they is no 'dimension' to the dunes at can be walking, and then all of a sudden, there is a drop off...just onto sand...but if you're on an ATV, you crash. On foot, you just run down the dune!
I am SO lucky to have Russ to help me thru this. He was very close to my Mom too, so we are able to help each other...but he's the quiet one, so I think he helps me more...but he has enjoyed our hikes too...and that Jig dog, man she LOVES Russ. Follows him like a
On a happy note...our one and only son Trevor got married during the big Portland snow storm of 2014...yup, Saturday night, downtown NE Portland, during the 'freezing rain' portion of the storm. Couldn't have timed it worse! But, we put chains on our car, and headed out...piece if cake! And well, 120 other crazies took their lives into Gods hands to attend...amazing evening! We adore Emily, her family and their friends. It was a great evening. And a welcome change of emotions!
CONGRATULATIONS Mr. And Mrs. Trevor Dodge! (Trevor is a mortgage banker with Chase Bank and Emily works in marketing at Nike). They just bought a house not too far from us in Portland...another GREAT reason to move up there!
This is our house, not theirs :)
Speaking of SNOW...WOW, it WAS beautiful at our place in Portland, and the dogs loved it! So fun! But happy to leave when it melted and got all muddy!
Well...that's about enough space taken's MONSOONING out there right now...I imagine my hike will be on a treadmill today, sad. Love all your updates, pictures and you guys!