Cutting the Red Ribbon....

May 30, 2006 13:11

Hello Writers & Dilettantes!

Whichever category you fall into, thank you for arriving at this community. Here's how it's going to run...

Who: Ann (that's me): lovelyknees, Gina: thisprettyworld, Jessica: whhsweetie, Trinh: sweetkinipela, Raye: limonada. (Still open to "enrollment" if you know anyone who would like to join).

What: The 3 A.M. Epiphany, a book by Brian Kiteley (director of the University of Colorado's creative writing program) which provides hundreds of inspiring writing exercises; this group will practice one or a combination of a few exercises each week and post on the community; members will be required to post and comment/workshop on other writers' pieces as posted. There will be a 7 day open period for posting on each category just so we get disciplined in writing practice.


When: Weekly!

Why: Because we all have little writers inside who are being neglected, and need a good workout -- whether you're into slowly stretching your writing muscles (yoga style) or into high intensity prolific production (cross training), this is a goal that we can all work towards and reap finite results from in the form of a collection of writing (mostly prose, fictional, though non-fiction is fine, please indicate). And to guarantee that our writing is being read by a small community of intelligent, thoughtful, and talented individuals.

How: Each Monday, a new exercise or combination of exercises will go up and you have until the following Monday to post your piece before a new exercise is posted. Jessica and I both have a copy of the book, and if you would like to get it I would highly recommend it because it's so interesting outside of the exercises -- but for now, we can alternate choosing prompts, or randomly do so by opening the book to an arbitrary page, or we can do it in order (though I think that might be boring b/c I never go in order).

Please comment with any feedback, suggestions, ideas, and questions! We will start next Monday!
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