Nov 23, 2009 18:22
I honestly don't know whats happened to me. I used to have so much patience for, my job, on the road...etc. Now everything disgusts me; I'm tired of putting so much effort into everything and winding up a loser still!
I feel like Im replacing all my good characteristics with bad ones. For example, I'm quick to getting frustrated and infuriated at the little things(thats not me). The other day two guys were obnoxiously talking in class(somehow i always end up behind them) like not even whispering; im talking full on talking. The worst part was that I was 100% complacent envisioning myself covered in their blood and so I was trying to calculate the time it would take for me to get the tire iron from my car and get back to class to rough up these yahoos. So as i was walking to my jk
but it really took me a minute to actually realize what i was thinking. Was i really going to hurt someone for being obnoxious?... ya see a thought like this would have never come to fruition so easily a little while ago. Anywho I'm also a losing it on the road too...(I will drive you straight off the road if your doing less than 60 in the fastlane)...nuff said there.
So once the semester is over,im gonna look into trying to fix these problems. Actually come to think of it, its just this semester thats doing it to me so i cant wait to be cool, calm and collected again.
I may sound stupid right now but i just hadda get that off my chest...
Anyone working a soup kitchen/doing something humanitarian in the next week or near future?