Let's Say This Was Posted Closer to the "new year"

Jan 10, 2007 23:52

I hadn't filled up my car's tank in the longest time. so far this has been the longest gasoline has been sitting still and fermenting in my car. i love it. i'm sort of glad i had surgery during my break because i wasnt really able to drive.(Thanks to all who gave me ride)

i sort of messed up next semseters schedule by taking the earliest classes RU-newark offers. i'm going to have to revert to my "high school sleeping patterns" but i do get fridays off now so hopefully everything evens out.

Ready or not this is 2007. i dont know why but i feel like i am the same person i've always been. with maybe a couple changes in my life, things just seem ordinary, completely fine, okay...i can never describe this content discontent...

people changing left and right;for better for worse...it hard to keep up with it...

I'm a fool if i think i havent changed... I have changed i was a brave little boy. now i'm just a scared one.

here's to now and not the future, baby
oh seven!
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