small slow steps

Jul 12, 2011 22:24

I know one thing for certain, I'm not happy in my current job. I'm hopefully being retention trained so that will make my job seem a bit better as I'll be handling less complaints which is what I will be really greatful. It will hopefully buy me enough time to make proper choices.
I am going to apply to be a teacher out in Japan but i am really scared. Mostly over Jay and a part of me suspects that will never truly disappear until I'm in the middle of it all. But hes doing a really good job of reassuring me in the mean time ^_^.
One thing I know is that if Japan doesn't happen and I do decide to stay in the UK I need a back up plan because I cant work in my current job forever.
I just drank a lot of shandy and accidently smashed my favourite lamp and bruised my finger ><.
I hate my job. Its a good job and it pays well so I come off as an ungreatful bitch. But maybe I am a career girl and maybe until I find that great job I can't rest. I've got so many ideas and so many things I want to try but Japan's more then a try thing, it's a need thing,like an annoying itch. I really good itch that when I scratch it,it will be liberating lol.
And I've promised Jay that if I get accepted make it to Japan and we as a couple make it through Japan, that I'll marry him.
The only other thing id like more then Japan is a little white beach house by the coast. Jay could go surfing everyday and I'd take photos. We would eventually have a child but not until we'd done all our traveling. And I would do one of two things. I'd either own a cute little cafe that does coffee to go and amazing cakes and high tea/ brunch and lunch were talking triangle cut sandwiches and scones here people lol. But we'd close at 4.
Or i would be a wedding photographer.
I'm not sure why those two things but I just like the sound of them. They would each be satsifying in different ways.
Anyway its getting late and I'm just sat here rambling about "hopes and dreams!"
I'm a great rambler and I never stop dreaming either it would seem!
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