Apr 01, 2021 13:10
March was a slight improvement, at least compared to February. As in I wrote about twice as much, not that it was anywhere near what I should've written, but baby steps. Right?
That said, I should've written 37,500 words as of April first, but I'm only at 4,789 words. Which means I'm 32,711 words behind schedule. If I'm going to get back on track, then I need to write 1,091 words every day in April, and that's just to break even with the three first months of 2021. *sigh*
As always, practice social distancing and wash your hands properly and often. We will get through this.
Progress Statistic:
January: 3,100
February: 531
March: 1,158
YtD: 4,789
community: getyourwordsout,
challenge: 2021 get your words out