Title: Unexpected Guest, Ch. 7: Disbelief
Author: 3am_moonlight
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Harry Potter (JKR)
Rating: Gen / Teen.
Word Count: 3,000 (chapter) / 10,237 (complete).
Timeline: BtVS: S05's The Gift and book 5 (the Order of the Phoenix) of HP.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss and the Harry Potter 'verse belongs to JKR.
Summary: In which there is talk of the Apocalypse Season and a deadly blanket.
Author's Note: Written for the 2018 August Fic-A-Day, Day 28.
Buffy held the remaining wand in her left hand as she stared at the green flames in the fireplace simply get lower and lower before going out entirely. It happened rather fast.
"Um... What just happened?"
Dumbledore continued to just smile, but as McGonagall was about to answer the pink-haired Auror replied. "It's called Floo travel. Think wormholes in sci-fi movies, just with magic and a fireplace."
Buffy nodded, that made a sort of sense. The two elder people in the room looked confused at the explanation but clearly didn't care enough to follow up on it. Instead, the Deputy Headmistress took over the interrogation.
"Perhaps you could explain the circumstances surrounding your arrival to our school, Miss Summers. Your presence here is rather baffling, particularly as neither our Medi-Witch or anyone else has been able to use magic to give you a basic health examination. You passed out from some kind of trauma but now you appear to be quite healthy despite being in and out of consciousness for the last day and a half." The middle-aged woman gave her a stern look as she spoke.
How much could she tell these people? One of them had already attempted to mind-rape her several times and kept pretending he hadn't done anything wrong despite his own explanation of the magical laws. The silence stretched out and after a short time, she settled for a partial truth.
"It's Apocalypse Season and this year's Big Bad did something I just couldn't allow to play out and to stop it I jumped into the portal she had made. For some strange reason, it transported me here instead of where she intended to go, or to just drop me on the ground. So now I'm at a magical school in Scotland instead of my not-so-quaint small town in America, and I really need to get back there. Except I don't think it's possible to get back there."
If she was right and she had ended up in another dimension then she had a major problem unless Willow and the others found a way to bring her back without using Dawn. If they used her sister she would never forgive them, not ever. But even if they could find a way, how would they know which dimension she was in? There were hundreds, thousands, if not more of them. And that didn't even include the demonic ones.
"I'm sorry, Miss Summers, but what is 'Apocalypse Season'?"
"Miss Summers?" The headmaster and the Deputy Headmistress asked their questions nearly simultaneously, which caused everyone else to look at them with mild amusement.
Buffy grimaced slightly. "It's what it sounds like, the yearly almost apocalypse when some enterprising big bad attempts to destroy the world, or enslave it, or some other really horrible thing none of us wants to happen. It usually has some build-up where the minions run around and we have to find the clues leading to the big bad so we can stop them before it's too late. And when the world saveage is done we party. Or possibly sleep and then party."
All four of the occupants of the room, plus the portraits on the walls, stared at her in growing horror. Even Albus Dumbledore had lost his grandfatherly smile and posture and instead leaned forward to stare at her in shock.
The big black man by the door was the first to find his voice, "This happens every year in America?"
"Yes. Actually, I think a variety of apocalyptic events happen not just in my own hometown but in other areas of the world as well. I know there are almost-apocalypses several places in America at the same time of year, and there are places in the world where these events are prone to happen every year as well." Los Angeles had its own apocalypse which Angel and his people were responsible for now. Before that, she had thwarted her own almost end-of-the-world there. There was a trio of sisters in San Fransisco who had their own yearly battle, and so on. Evil didn't concentrate on one specific area even if they preferred a certain time of year for the big event.
Maybe things were different here, or maybe these people just didn't know about what happened anywhere else in the world. Hermione had said this community was isolated and that they knew very little of the so-called 'muggle world' and obviously that's where most of this took place. Even if the general public had no idea their entire world had almost gone down the drain.
"Surely you're exaggerating. There are not that many bad people in the world who are out to destroy us all." The grandfatherly tone was back with a vengeance and with it was an expression that clearly said 'you must be confused, little girl'. Buffy glared.
"Do you know how many people there are in the world? Besides, I didn't say all of the Big Bads were people. Most of them are some kind of demons who just want to destroy everything or rule over everything." She could sort-of understand those who wanted to rule everything, but why destroy everything? It didn't gain them anything and unless all life or unlife was gone then something would return and eventually they would be back where they started. Kinda.
"There are very few demons in the world, Miss Summers. And all of them are either imprisoned or rendered harmless. There is nothing to worry about. Clearly, you have not recovered as completely from your injuries as you believed. Perhaps you should return to the hospital wing and allow Madam Pomfrey to examine you properly."
"I'm fine, Mr. Dumbledore. My health is not the issue here, and you ignored my question. Do you know how many people there are in the world?"
It was apparent the wizard wasn't used to having anyone question him as his mask slipped a little. "No, I don't know how many people there are. 8-9 million, perhaps?" Buffy laughed, she couldn't help it. The pink-haired witch looked disappointed over by the door. While the other two didn't seem to understand what was going on.
"You think the world-wide population consists of 8-9 million people?" She made no attempt to hide the incredulity in her voice, because what the heck? "There are more than seven million people just in London!" There was the off chance this dimension had much fewer people, but she doubted it. The three people whom she assumed had never bothered to learn about the world outside of the isolated magical community looked shocked.
Then she added the real bombshell that would make their world come crashing down, "There are almost 6,2 *billion* people on Earth. Can you guarantee none of them would want to destroy everything?"
No response. Not even the pink-haired Auror seemed to have been aware of the actual number, but she regained her balance fast. "Blimey! I didn't know it was that high. My dad said it was about 5 billion, maybe five and a half, but that was years ago." Like the mid- or late 80's, Buffy thought to herself.
Buffy's lips twitched, "Well, you see. When two people love each other very much..."
"Oi!" The witch exclaimed and then laughed. "Funny. We have little contact with the muggle world and the population numbers are not something we're concerned with. We're more worried about our own, they're at a low after the war with You-Know-Who."
"No, I don't know who. I thought this was a high school and not kindergarten, and that you were some kind of police. What kind of adult says that?"
The witch sighed, "My name is Tonks and this is Shacklebolt." The latter was said as she pointed to her fellow Auror." She took a deep breath and continued, "The wizard we call You-Know-Who is a dark lord or evil wizard if you're not familiar with that term. He calls himself Lord V-V-Voldemort." She shuddered and McGonagall flinched. "He spread terror throughout the wizarding world back in the 70's, but was finally temporarily defeated in '81."
She gave the old headmaster a questioning look and received a small nod in reply, "He was resurrected and given a new body about six months ago and has quietly been amassing supporters since then."
So their bad guy had devoted followers who had kept his body and spent who knew how long before finding a ritual to bring him back. She backtracked, wait a moment. "What year is it?"
Tonks gave her a confused look but replied none the less. "1995. It's December 18th." It was Buffy's turn to take a sharp intake of breath. In 1995 she had still been a Potential, India Cohen had still been the Slayer, and her parents had still been unhappily married in Los Angeles. Dawn had still been a big ball of green energy instead of her little sister. It meant not only was she most likely in another dimension but she had also gone back in time nearly six years.
"Are Umbridge and Fudge among his followers?" The question made Dumbledore beam, but he did give a negative response.
"Madam Umbridge shares many of his views, but to our knowledge, she has not joined the Death Eaters. One of Minister Fudge's chief advisers is quite unfortunately one of Voldemorts top lieutenants. Due to a major bribe 14 years ago he is a respected member of our society."
"And Umbridge fills his head with even more of this stupidity. Sounds like your entire government consists of corrupt criminals, including you." Maybe this was how things had been in Sunnydale behind the scenes before Mayor Wilkins ascension was stopped. Not including all the demonic minions, of course. Somehow she didn't think these magical people would allow that. Mind rapists and corrupt politicians, how wonderful.
Could she get her friends and the hell goddess back instead? Because she could physically fight and kill her and her very annoying minions, but these witches and wizards were human and off limits. Maybe she could slap them if the situation presented itself?
"Now, Miss Summers, it is not quite so bad. There are some good people working tirelessly at the Ministry, including Nymphadora and Kingsley here." He indicated the two Aurors on the other side of the room.
"Don't call me Nymphadora! My name is Tonks." The infuriating smile was back again.
"Now Nymphadora, you should be proud of your name. It's the name your parents gave you."
"Actually, she has clearly asked you to stop using it many times. It's something *you* need to respect, regardless of what her parents chose to call her. It isn't up to you, you are not her father or grandfather. It means you have no right to use her first name without permission. Just like you have no right to use mine." Dumbledore was getting on her last nerve. Meanwhile, Tonks gave her a thankful smile which Buffy returned.
She dropped the subject when the old wizard didn't reply and began twirling the remaining wand between her fingers. The motion clearly made him nervous. Ignoring him she gave McGonagall her attention instead. "Why would I be prosecuted for breaking someone's wand and what's the Veil of Death?"
The stern witch looked down her nose at Buffy, "Witches and wizards are quite dependant on their wand and as such destroying it carries a heavy sentence or a heavy fine for destruction of personal property. As you are not a witch the punishment will be much more severe."
McGonagall composed herself and continued, "The Veil of Death is a mystical Veil which causes a person who enters it to vanish forever. There is no return and all magical records will list them as deceased once they pass through it."
Wonderful, Buffy thought, they have a deadly blanket hidden somewhere and this witch is threatening me with it.
"The Veil is only for extreme cases, and while breaking someone's wand is bad it won't get you a death sentence. Six months and up to maybe three years in Azkaban is more likely, depending on whose wand it was." Okay, that was more believable. Clearly, Auror Tonks was the most sincere person in this office.
The talk/interrogation continued for another hour before Dumbledore dismissed them for lunch and they trooped down to the Great Hall. The big room was once again filled with chatting students who abruptly became silent when they discovered who had just walked in the door. The headmaster and the deputy headmistress went straight for the table on the raised platform, but only one of the Aurors followed. Tonks veered off to the left and sat down at the table where the students had yellow on the lining of their robes. Buffy had a moment of indecision but Tonks waved her over and made sure to make room for her on the bench.
The young Auror seemed to know some of the older students and immediately began chatting with them and asking questions. Shacklebolt went up on the platform and began a quiet conversation with Dumbledore. Buffy could talk to a bunch of teenagers. She had spoken easily with Harry and Hermione, and speaking of the duo they were not at this table.
She looked up and down the table on the far left side where the lining was green, and then at one table over where it was blue and bronze. No joy, so she gave the table on the far right a look and among the students wearing red, she discovered a head full of bushy brown hair and next to it was a boy with messy black hair. Across from them were four redheads. Huh, the redheads had doubled in number since she saw them last.
The next thing she knew Tonks was introducing her to the students she knew and she got dragged into several conversations at once, mostly concerning how she got there and if she knew what had happened to the toad. Evidently, Umbridge didn't have any fans among the students either.
Before they'd talked for long the headmaster made a few announcements, Buffy would be staying at the school at least for a few days and Umbridge had chosen to take an early Christmas break. The latter got a major applause from everyone except the table on the far left. But the better question was, why did Dumbledore assume he could order her to stay at the school? He hadn't asked her or even hinted at it. Yes, she was grateful for a place to stay and, of course, the food was also highly appreciated. She had arrived here without anything but the clothes on her back. Still, he was overstepping his boundaries again.
Nevertheless, she jumped in her seat when the dinner just appeared on the table causing everyone who saw her reaction to laugh. Some of them were more derisive than others, but most took it in good humor and the boy across from her even gave a short explanation. The food was great if not a little too greasy for her taste, and when she asked anyone where to find water a large glass just materialized next to her plate. This time the girl on the left made with the explanation. She just shook her head, it was an issue for another day. Instead, she just said "Thank you for the water", and hoped the House Elves, whatever they were, heard her.
Later she was assigned guest quarters not far from the Hufflepuff common room. It was large and comfortable, it even had its own guardian portrait which she was allowed to set her own password for. It was late and she would rather get some rest. A healing sleep would take care of the remaining aches from her abrupt travel.
Four hours later she was unexpectedly awoken by someone banging on her door. After walking to the door in her borrowed pajamas, Tonks had transfigured the nightgown McGonagall had given her, she was surprised to see Dumbledore looking like he had hurriedly gotten dressed in something a little less eye-catching than he'd worn a few hours ago.
"Can I help you?" Buffy asked grumpily. She didn't need much sleep normally, but this situation was anything but normal so her mood suffered the consequences.
"There has been an attack, if you would collect your clothes I will send you to another location. Someone there will explain the situation."
She blinked, "Huh?"
"Please, Miss Summers. Get your clothes." Rather than argue some more she did as he asked, but wasn't awake enough to get dressed. Instead, she just gathered everything in her arms and returned to the door. Dumbledore gave her a piece of paper and an old boot. Natural curiosity and a lack of sleep made her read it without thinking. The note said: 'The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is located at 12 Grimmauld Place'.
"Huh?" She repeated. This made no sense at all.
Instead of answering, Dumbledore tapped his wand on the boot and suddenly Buffy felt as if someone had put a hook behind her navel and was dragging her through space. The feeling was uncomfortable and only her enhanced Slayer abilities caused her to land on her feet rather than her backside.
Waiting in the room where she arrived was a tallish man with black shoulder-length hair who introduced himself as Sirius Black and the owner of the house. He ushered her up to a bedroom with only a short explanation of the situation. Evidently, the red-headed children's father had been attacked and this warranted the change of scenery. The red-headed girl was asleep in her new bedroom, but she didn't particularly care. She dumped her clothes in a chair and went to sleep.
Just before sleep took her a thought came to her: where did Dumbledore get the second wand? She still had the one she took from him in the office.