2017 August Fic-A-Day!

Sep 23, 2017 19:30

For the second year in a row I managed to write one fic a day for every single day in August! 11 complete fics. Ten fandoms crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 37,092 words. Go me! :D

Lost In the Woods | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Walking Dead/Criminal Minds | Gen, implied het (Rick/Lori, past JJ/Will) | Post-BtVS/TWD S01/CM S08-ish. Post-apocalypse | 6259 words.
Summary: Buffy follows a Slayer Dream and finds a little girl in a forest, surrounded by the walking dead.
Links: AO3 | DW | LJ - TS: 1- 2- 3- 4 | TtH | WDFF |

Buffy the Messenger | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis/Numb3rs | Slash (Cam/Sheppard/Ronon, Colby/Lorne), mild (UST) het (Buffy/Ronon) | Post-BtVS, anytime for SG/N3 | 2,631 words.
Summary: In which Buffy needs to learn how to knock before entering a room, or at least use her superior hearing to check if the occupants of the room are otherwise occupied.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS: 1- 2- 3 | TtH | WB |

Coffee Break | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Criminal Minds | Het (Faith/Reid UST) | Post-BtVS, anytime for CM | 1,093 words.
Summary: Faith is sent on a coffee run.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS: 1- 2 | TtH |

Same Old Brand New You | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Walking Dead/Gilmore Girls | Gen | Post-BtVS/GG, S01 TWD | Post-apocalypse | 8,062 words.
Summary: Rory survived the apocalypse with her sister, but then her car gets stuck in the mud and she gets surrounded by walkers.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS: 1- 2- 3- 4 | TtH | WDFF |

A Face Full of Dust | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate Atlantis | Gen | Post-BtVS/anytime for SGA | 6,640 words.
Summary: Sheppard is attacked by vampires and Buffy tries to not answer his questions.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 | TtH | WB |

The Slayer and the 'Brat' Who Lived | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter - J.K.R. | Het (Harry/Hermione) | Post-BtVS/books | 3,937 words.
Summary: Buffy accidentally walks into the Leaky Cauldron and meets the hero of the magical world.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ | TtH |

Hunting the Slayer | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural | Gen | Post-BtVS/early SPN | 424 words.
Summary: Jo Harvelle comes across Buffy Summers in a graveyard, and believing her to be a dumb, lost blonde, she follows just in case she needs saving. [3rd in the 'Like the Moon' 'verse].
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ: TS | TtH |

Live Your Life | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Sanctuary (TV) | Gen | Post-BtVS/anytime for Sanctuary | 633 words.
Summary: Buffy and Faith vs Helen Magnus.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJTS | TtH |

A Jump To the Left | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Jumper (2008) | Het (David/Millie) | Post-BtVS/movie | 2,994 words.
Summary: David and Millie get a Vampire show-and-tell.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS: 1- 2- 3 | TtH |

Far Away | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate SG-1 | Gen | Anytime for BtVS/pre-SG-1 | 822 words.
Summary: Buffy somehow end up in the past and in Ra's captivity.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJTS | TtH |

Anywhere But Here | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter - J.K.R. | Het (Harry/Hermione) | Post-BtVS/HP | Post-apocalypse | 3,597 words.
Summary: The world's population dies, most of them, and Buffy and Dawn are stuck in Britain.
Links: AO3 | DW | FF.net | LJ - TS:  1- 2- 3 | TtH |

2017, community: twistedshorts, challenge: 2017 fic-a-day

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