Title: The Slayer and the 'Brat' Who Lived
Author: 3am_moonlight
Rating: Gen.
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) / Harry Potter - JKR.
Timeline: Post-Chosen and post-books.
Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Potter.
Disclaimer: Property of Joss and JKR.
Summary: Buffy accidentally walks into the Leaky Cauldron and meets the hero of the magical world.
Word Count: 817 (this chapter) & 3,937 (complete)
Notes: Written for the 2017 August Fic-A-Day, Day 7.
"This can't be right," Buffy mumbled to herself as she looked around the bar she had just walked into. Wait, they called it a pub here, didn't they? Giles had told her to meet an old acquaintance of his in a pub on Charing Cross Road, but this place was nothing like the places he usually frequented. There was a distinct lack of a stage where he could sing and play his guitar for one. The people in here were also wearing some strange old-fashioned dresses.
Suddenly a guy rose from a nearby table and walked over to her, "May I help you, miss? You look lost."
Her first reaction was that he had the greenest eyes she had ever had the pleasure to see; her second reaction was that he was a lot more world-weary than he should've been. Young men straight out of their teens, if he was even out of his teens, didn't normally look at her with that kind of suspicion.
"Uh, yes. I'm looking for some place called The Watering Hole, and this isn't it. At least I don't think it is."
The dark-haired teenager gave her an amused grin. "Definitely lost then. This is the Leaky Cauldron. The Watering Hole is further up the street." He paused briefly, before he soldiered on, "Are you a witch?"
Buffy blinked; that was direct for someone she had never met before. "No. What does that have to do with a bar?" Yes, she could feel the magic in this place and even beyond it, but still. Blunt.
"The Leaky Cauldron is the entrance to Diagon Alley, Magical Britain's main shopping district." He paused and narrowed his eyes a little behind his glasses. "You do know about magic, right?"
"Sure! One of my best friends is a Wiccan! She's currently visiting the Devon Coven." Buffy smiled at him before she discreetly gave him a once-over and discovered that while he was wearing an old-fashioned, but fairly new, cloak she could see a pair of blue jeans and what she guessed was a t-shirt through the open front. Good to know that at least one the people here knew of the more recent fashion trends.
Green Eyes, she needed to find out his name, kept frowning at her, but then he seemed to reach a conclusion and presented his right hand to her. "I'm Harry Potter. Welcome to Great Britain and Magical Britain specifically."
There was some kind of expectation when he said that, particularly when he said his name. Where had she heard the name 'Harry Potter' before?
Buffy reached back in her memory and came up with a conversation she'd had with Tara about magic users who needed a wand to practice magic. She'd given a brief overview of how their society was set up compared to theirs and something about a boy who lived?
While she was thinking she automatically shook his hand, "Buffy Summers."
Oh, that explained these peoples lack of modern clothing! Tara had said their 'world' was stuck several centuries in the past. Well, mostly stuck in the past. Apparently, they insisted on separating themselves nearly completely from what they called 'muggles', Tara had translated it as ' normal non-magical people', and as a consequence, they stuck out like a bunch of sore thumbs on the few occasions they ventured outside their enclaves.
She suddenly became aware that he was waiting for her to say something else, and she just blurted out, "I don't really know much about your kind of magic users. The witches I know don't need a fancy stick to perform magic, and for some reason, I connect your name with the phrase 'the brat who lived' but I don't remember why. Or why someone would call you something that ridic -." She stopped abruptly when he held up a hand. "Sorry, I don't normally babble like that, " she added sheepishly.
Green Eyes, Harry, actually laughed a little at her. "It's the *boy* who lived, not the 'brat'. But I digress. Why don't you join me for an ice cream at Fortescue's, my treat, and I'll tell you about us 'fancy stick users' and you can tell me about these witches who don't need a magical focus?"
She thought about it, looked at her watch and realized she was already two hours late and decided Giles' friend had probably given up on her over an hour ago. Buffy grinned at Harry Potter, "why yes, gentle sir, you may treat this lady to an ice cream and a fabulous story to pass the time."
Her new friend decided to get in on the act and gave her an exaggerated bow, "This way my lady and we shall eat, drink, converse and tell stories!" He gave her his elbow, which she took, and he walked her over to a small courtyard and a brick wall which he tapped with his wand.