Title: Watch the Fall of Humanity - Chapter 04 (Apocalyptic Fashion)
3am_moonlightFandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Rimfrost - Trude Brænne Larssen (Books), The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: Teen & Up.
Timeline: Pre-season one/season one of TWD, about a decade post-BtVS, centuries post-Rimfrost.
Characters: Buffy Summers, Rime Kvitrev, Andrea Harrison, Glenn Rhee, Daryl Dixon, misc. TWD characters.
Pairing: Implied Rick/Lori and Shane/Lori, and implied Buffy/Daryl UST if you want to squint that way.
WC: 13, 840 / Complete.
Disclaimer: BtVS belongs to Joss Whedon, Rimfrost is the property of TBL, and TWD belongs to whoever holds the copyright. None of the above is yours truly, unfortunately.
Warnings: It's a zombie apocalypse, people. Killing of zombies, death of infected humans, etc.
Author's notes: Not beta read. Sorry.
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WDFFA/N: This is written for the 2016 Fic-A-Day Challenge over at TwistedShorts on LJ / TtHFanfic.org for Aug. 2nd.
A/N 2: I'm finally reposting this fic to DW and LJ; it only took two months! Oops?
Summary: Buffy and her friend Rime are in Atlanta when the walking dead first rise and start eating people. Two months later they are still there, but then they meet some survivors from a camp outside the city.
Buffy bit down on her laughter. She knew full well that she looked the part of a stereotypical dumb blonde, especially when she made an effort to play the part. While she was still wearing black leather pants and black combat boots, her shirt was a bright pink baby tee with several pink Care Bears printed on the front. To make matter worse, or better - depending on your point of view - her blonde hair was in twin braids. It made her look like she was in her mid teens, or late teens at the most.
According to Rime it was her Apocalypse Barbie look, or if she was in a bad mood - her Apocalypse Lolita/Baby Prostitute look. The last one had been coined when she’d found some make-up and applied it a little too generously.
The twenty-something Asian guy recovered his voice first. “Hi.” Buffy rewarded him with a second sunny smile that he needed another few moments to recover from. “Where did you come from? There were no one else out by the tank or near by.”
“Oh.” She giggled as she continued her play-acting. “I was in a sidestreet when I, like, heard a gunshot and went to investigate. When I, like, got there. He,” she pointed needlessly at the man who had introduced himself as Rick Grimes to the kid while she had been climbing, “was running like a madman down the street, shooting the dead people, and, like, out of nowhere you, like, jumped out and both of you started running and then, like Batman, you began climbing up here. It was like an action movie!” Buffy’s smile at the end was bright enough to blind the sun, while she winced inwardly at the overuse of teenage slang and the number of times she’d managed to slip ‘like’ into that short explanation.
Officer Not-So-Friendly didn’t seem to buy her act though, or at least not as much as the Asian kid, who had yet to introduce himself because he had seen her before he had managed to reply to the sheriff. So in an effort to divert a little attention from herself, she decided Rick had had the right idea and stuck her hand out.
“I’m Buffy, by the way”. Her name was so not helping her image in the slightest, but in an effort to correct her own over enthusiastic first impression she toned down her smile a little.
“G-Glenn. My name is Glenn Rhee. Nice to meet you.” Apparently her name was uncommon enough that he sort-of managed to concentrate, but before Glenn could introduce his new friend, the other man reached out his own hand and shook hers.
“Rick Grimes.” Before he could get another word in edgewise, Buffy decided to move things along. Their little ledge was little too exposed in her opinion.
“Not to be, like, rude or anything, but shouldn’t we, like, be somewhere less visible?” That got them moving, and after a short argument Glenn went first, followed by Rick, and then Buffy brought up the rear.
Next thing she knew they were climbing the next ladder up towards the roof.