So I finally saw Thoughtcrimes a while back, and naturally I tried to find some fanfiction afterwards. Unfortunatly there's VERY little fic in this fandom, and most of what does excist seem to be Hewligan in various forms. *sigh* BUT, I did find a few that weren't, including some that are TC/SGA. W00t! :D
Now if I could only find some well-written Thoughtcrimes/Stargate Atlantis/Numb3rs fusions and/or crossovers I'd be just peachy keen. ;) Or just TC/N3, I haven't seen that either.
Anyways, onto the recs! In no particular order...
Have A Little Faith In Me by
katherine_tag on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister, Terry Merryweather, Jon Harper, Agent Kunzel, Agent Patel, Michael Welles.
Labels: Gen, case fic, telepathy, angst, action/adventure.
Wordcount/year: 12,459 / 2010.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: Questionable ethics? Check. Improbable plot? Check. Teamwork, despite all the odds? Check. Scooby Doo theme song? Check!
Read Between the Lines by
NeoVenus22 on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Brendan Dean. Freya/Brendan.
Labels: Gen, het, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 364 / 2009.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: Brendan isn't a reader. Freya is.
A Shield of Achilles by
Siria on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister.
Labels: Gen, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 1052 / 2009.
Summary: The NSA doesn't often send agents out into the field. Its purpose is cryptology and cryptanalysis, tracking crime and terrorism over phone lines and across the internet and through lines of tightly-written code; its analysts solve crimes from behind the four grey walls of their cubicles, coffee growing cold at their elbow while their fingers dance over keyboards so well-used that the lettering has worn away.
This Is Not My Dream, Sister by
Signe (oxoniensis) on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister, Jon Harper, June McAllister.
Labels: Gen, telepathy, action/adventure.
Wordcount/year: 6813 / 2009.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: So she saved his life a few times and he saved hers.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell by
bluflamingo on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Brendan Dean, Terry Merriweather, Jon Harper.
Labels: Gen, angst, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 3146 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: He thinks that he cares for her, he trusts her, and that it won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
Hand in Hand by
dogeared on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Brendan Dean. Brendan/Freya UST.
Labels: Gen, telepathy, ust.
Wordcount/year: 379 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: After three years, she knows that his hands don't lie.
Lesser Fleas by Auburn on &
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister, Michael Welles, Jon Harper. Brendan/Freya.
Labels: Gen, case fic, het, action/adventure, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 10,640 / 2009.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: Four cases, three dilemmas, two agents, one conclusion: the time will come to run.
I Love My Love by
Hth on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister, Michael Welles. Brendan/Freya.
Labels: Het, telepathy, action/adventure, angst, explicit.
Wordcount/year: 10,095 / 2009.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: "Oh, Agent Dean," he said, sounding bored by the subject. "Yes, yes, I've been gentle as a lamb, I know how you are about him. Although I must say, getting to know him a little better hasn't done a thing to help me understand why that is. Deep underneath all that shallowness, there's a vast, untapped shallowness."
And Over Many Seas by
theeverdream on LJ.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes/Stargate SG-1.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Jonas Quinn. Freya/Jonas.
Labels: Het, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 532 / 2010.
Timeline: Post-movie, SG-1 season 6.
Prompt: Freya walks into a bar and meets... Jonas Quinn!
Written for:
A Ficathon Walks into a Bar.
Promises by
cat_77 on LJ.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister.
Labels: Gen, hurt/comfort, telepathy.
Wordcount/year: 1,068 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: On an assignment gone wrong, promises are made.
Through A Mirror, Home &
Gemini &
Gemini: Flipside by
reen212000 on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes/Stargate Atlantis.
Character(s): Brendan Dean, Freya McAllister, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Carson Beckett, Evan Lorne, Jon Harper, Terri Merriweather, Jack O'Neill, Grodin, Peter Kavanagh, Sergeant Bates, Sentient!Atlantis.
Labels: AU, gen, alternate reality, action/adventure, telepathy, angst, quantum mirror, ancient technology, bodyswap, hurt/comfort.
Wordcount/year: 1,387; 12,324; 14,833 (28,544 words combined) / 2009; 2012.
Timeline: Post-movie, ca. season 3-5 for SGA.
Summary: (1) NSA Agent Brendan Dean accomplished in two weeks what the world's military couldn't do in six months. Find a geek. How hard could it be?
(2) John Sheppard woke to a world of body switching, telepaths, and shapeshifters. Must be a Tuesday.
(3) When Agent Brendan Dean opened his eyes, the last person he expected to see was Rodney McKay. And a floating city. That talks to him.
In So Many Words by
Siria on AO3.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Brendan Dean. Brendan/Freya.
Labels: Het, explicit.
Wordcount/year: 770 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: Her gift gives her secrets she was not meant to hold, inscribes the particular calligraphy of a thousand stranger's thoughts on the inside of her skull.
Past Misfortunes, Present Blessings by
bugly42 on
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes/Stargate Atlantis.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, John Sheppard, Brendan Dean, Rodney McKay, Carson Beckett, Teyla Emmagan, Elizabeth Weir.
Labels: AU, identity merge/undercover, telepathy, WiP/abandoned.
Wordcount/year: 17,533 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie, SGA season 2.
Summary: With the Daedalus providing a critical link between the Atlantis Expedition and home, new experts are brought on board to help combat the Wraith.
Cascades by
cat_77 on LJ.
Fandom(s): Thoughtcrimes.
Character(s): Freya McAllister, Brendan Dean.
Labels: Telepathy, .
Wordcount/year: 1,582 / 2008.
Timeline: Post-movie.
Summary: Happy Hour seemed like a good idea at the time. Unfortunately, then she remembered she was a telepath with no tolerance.