Fic recs for July 17th, 2009

Jul 17, 2009 08:31

Momentary Illusion by Gia. Buffy/Angelus, Willow, OC's. Adult. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Once, I Dreamt You Were A Vampire byflurblewig. Buffy/Spike. PG-13. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: The Normal Again 'verse.

Once in a Lullaby (Five Things That Happened Somewhere Else) by Doyle. Buffy, various. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. PG.
Summary: Buffy has a disconcerting habit of killing her doctors. "Normal Again" 'verse.

The Bargain by Chrislee. Buffy/Angel. NC-17. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series.
Summary: Further examination of a D/s relationship between Buffy and Angel, this story contains elements of bloodplay, sexual torture and other potentially objectional material. Post "Chosen."

Lawless by Chrislee. Buffy/Angel, Angel/Spike. NC-17.
Summary: D/S, bloodplay, slash, BDSM.

My Darkest Secret Memory by Lisa. Buffy Summers, Sam Winchester. Gen, PG-13. Angst, drama. Supernatural/BtVS crossover.
Summary: Her mouth tasted sour and her tongue prickled, all signs that she must have been drugged. Buffy wakes up to find out she’s being transferred to a mental ward in Rhode Island and can’t seem to remember what came before.
Spoilers: Up to & including “Normal Again” in season 6 of BtVS, and up to & including “The Houses of Holy” in Season 2 of SPN.

tv: buffyverse: buffy the vampire slayer, xover: btvs/spn, ff: fic recs, xover: buffyverse, tv: buffyverse: angel the series, tv: supernatural, genre: crossover

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