The Struggle Within by
messageredacted. Sam/Jess, OC's, Dean. PG-13. AU pre-series/Pilot.
Summary: Jess doesn’t know too much about Sam’s past.
The Professional……Slayer by
azraelz_angel. Faith, Mathilda, Illyria, Buffy, and Willow. PG-15. Buffyverse/The Professional (aka Lèon).
Summary: A trained professional was Called.
Oops by
laney_1974and the remix
Witching Hour (The Oops Remix) by
beatrice_otter. Willow Rosenberg/Daniel Jackson, Giles, some SG-1 characters. PG. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/SG-1 crossover.
Summary: A find-your-soulmate spell goes wrong.
Dear Frankie by
offbalance. Faith Lehane, John Winchester. Implied Sam, and past Faith/Dean. Gen, PG. Supernatural/Buffyverse crossover.
Summary: What if Faith (everyone’s favorite rogue slayer) was part of the Winchesters for a brief time? How would that have played out?
Crackpot Theories by
jedibuttercup. Buffy Summers. Mentions of Willow Rosenberg, Chandra Suresh, Faith Lehane, Robin Wood, Rupert Giles. PG-13. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes crossover.
Summary: Someone's been calling Slayers, asking if they've noticed any strange abilities recently.