Nov 08, 2004 10:18
hey guys what's up? yea, not at skool today, but at U of M with liz. gonna go to her chem. class later...haha! im sweet. so anyways, yesterday was the taking back sunday, atreyu, funeral for a friend and varsity concert. that kicked so much mutha fucking ass! it was so awesome. well first, there were so many hobo's there, so i was scared we were gonna get shot. and the line was fucking forever. then later on, when atreyu was playing and the singer came down off the stage to sing, me and liz fucking grabbed his ass!!! it was so awesome. we tried touching his weiner, but couldn't reach...damnit! then i got two picks, one from the guys in atreyu wearing a bowtie, and the other from the sweet ass person it taking back sunday. OH shit! alright, the singer in TBS was fucking laying on the ground really weird and was like humping the air, it was so hot!! you guys just should have been there. and on our way back, me and liz fucking saw those notrhern light shit. so we woke up my mom to come and see them too cuz were sweet. but yea, that was sunday.
sorry i didn't come over to whosever house we were goin to. i had hockey, and picked up liz and after that me, melissa, liz and paul went to go see the grudge. yea, chinese people scare me now. i was freaking out. but oh well.
well im gonna go cuz we have to get on the bus to go to liz's class.
ps. sorry i haven't been writing in here, maybe because I'M TOO BUSY! well later, for all of you who got that.