All assignments have been sent out.
bloodygem, please contact me with your correct e-mail address.
If you did not receive an assignment at all, please contact me ASAP and I will conjure one up for you and assign a pinch hitter to write a story for you.
If you do not believe that any of the recipient's requests match a fandom you volunteered to write, e-mail me right away. I'm doing this too late at night, and may have inadvertently mixed up people's assignments.
If you find that you overestimated your ability to write any character whatsoever in a fandom, and you are sure that you absolutely, positively, cannot write any of your recipient's requests, let me know ASAP. I will assign a pinchhitter to your recipient and put you at the head of the pinchhitting line. If you were to complete a pinch hit, you would still be eligible to participate next year.
ETA: Comments are screened on this entry, so you can comment here, send me a private message, or reply to the e-mail I sent out.