We have one more week to go for signups. So far, 33 wonderful people have signed up as full participants, and another crazy, terrific, awesome 3 have signed up strictly as pinch hitters.
As some of you will no doubt guess from subject line, Torchwood (and Dr. Who) are once again very, very popular fandoms, both giving and receiving. (Sarah Jane Adventures has also totally been offered. If someone can cover that Australian K-9 series, we'd have the whole set.)
Some other fandoms which have been offered include Bandom, Pushing Daisies, SGA and SPN RPF,the 4400, Jekyll, The State Within, Merlin, Mary Stuart's Arthuriana, Blood Ties, Spiderman Movieverse, Boon Dock Saints, and Anita Blake.
Requests have been made in Deathnote, Empire Records, Kingdom Hearts, Sharpe, My Chemical Romance, the Used, Roswell, Numb3rs, Roswell, and Battlestar Galactica (2003).
Please, mention us in your LJs or comms, ask your friends to join up, and consider, if you don't know what to ask for, being a pinchhitter. Pinchhitters are life savers, seriously.
Just a reminder
rules and
signup are on the website. If you want to amend your request, drop me an e-mail instead of signing up repeatedly. zvi at slashx hyphen files period com. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. And be thinking about those request letters!