Aug 21, 2007 18:53
Today I am tired and my glands feel all swollen. Although this sounds symptomatic of mono, I can assure you that it's not. My exhaustion is caused by work. I'm trying to get as much done as possible before the summer ends so that I can be done maybe a day or two in advance. That would be wonderful. I don't think it's going to happen though no matter how hard I work. The Boog keeps telling me to go to the doctor because my glands probably mean allergies but I'm trying to make as much money as I can before summer ends. She also promises me some shots to treat these allergies. I swear that every year my allergies get worse: first it's itchy eyes, then incredibly itchy eyes, then sneezing, and now swollen glands. Fuck allergies! Maybe I sould make friends with those Magic Schoolbus kids and have them go into my dna and change it so that my immune system isn't fucked up.
Yesterday while I worked I was greeted by the oh so familiar sounds of shitty music. What is it with guys who have absolutely no taste in music playing it loudly? Does it seem at all insincere to anybody else that guys who live the Glebe (the furthest thing from a ghetto) sit and listen to gangsta rap? Just wait though, it gets a bit more insincere: then they follow the gangsta rap up with shitty rave music! Followed by some rap metal and the ever popular matthew Good-esque, super white guy music being thrown into the equation. This is not to say that white people can't have an appreciation for hip hop or anything like that, or can't have varying tastes, it's that those tastes should at least be half decent music with serious musical quality, not super generic every band or performer sounds the same. Literally. This stuff is so bad that top 40 won't touch it. This music was like the guys who imitate the guys who imitate the guys with talent. I gues somebody's got to be the one buying the worst music known to ears.