Jul 09, 2009 11:47
Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you. (Please note: If you simply wish to comment on something I've said but don't want to participate in the meme, that is fine. I will only give you five words if you specifically comment with "Words!")
here's what i got from Amber
1. shabu
Ahh, Shabbu Shabbu. Food of the gods... It is probably the healthiest thing I eat. raw Meat and vegetables you boil in hot water and dip in yummy sauces... I use it as comfort food which is why you will always seem e either there by myself completely content or chatting with a friend about deep life changing issues or frivoulous gobbledy-gook
2. puppyhead
My Shirt company. It's all about being a geek and loving it. If you go to comic con come by the booth.. we have over 20 designs that inspire Geek Pride...
3. bix Bixie!! My little RuBix Cube. The Bixographer.. One of the coolest little dogs in a green 80's workout outfits you'll ever see.... My jaunt into adulthood that requires me to takecare of another living thing.. so far so good.
4. chuck
I wish that I lived in this TV show. One of the cleverest, cutest, most action packed, under appreciated shows ever. In a world of aweful reality TV and crap primetime soaps, this show is a breath of fresh air...
5. capoeira - A Brazilian Martial art that is so very very fun. I havent been in soo long and I miss it..... but work and Puppyhead keep me busy...