Jan 16, 2007 11:06
Well, guess what. I've got another cold. Late yesterday afternoon the sore throat started and then my sinues started hurting and now the body is beginning to ache. *sigh* I think the stress of daytripping 12th Night finally caught up with me. I should have realized that the trip would take a lot out of me but you know me. I'm really stubborn when my mind is made up and I really wanted to go to the event. I'm so glad I did go so now I just have to deal with the after effects. Only good news is I get to talk to the immune system specialist this afternoon to let him know that this kind of cold is what I've been dealing with on a monthly/bimonthly basis last year. I guess the immune system boosting vitiamin stuff I've been taking for the past 6 weeks aren't working. I hope we come up with something to help me today. I really dont want to take any more antibiotics unless I have to. Only thing is, I need to watch this cold so that it does not get down into my chest and cause pneumionia like it did back in September. I'm so tired. I only want to go to my appointments, go home and pass out in bed.