Oct 04, 2006 16:08
Here are the answers to the 2 that seemed to have stumped everyone. :)
Also, the book that has the date of 1907 is Black Beauty. I would like to find someone who deals with old books and have it appraised someday. I wont part with it as it is really a family heirloom but it would be nice to know what it is worth today. It has an old photograph picture of a black horse on the front cover.
5) “It was April in Virginia. The brooks and runs on George Washington’s estate were overflowing in their hurry to join the big Potomac. Pussy Willows along the banks were swollen to plumpness. And everywhere, the woods and meadows were alive with cheeps and chirrings and little feet scampering.” Cinnabar, the One O'clock Fox - Marguerite Henry (one of the few books that Margerite wrote which was not about a horse or equine)
6) “From the pleasantly situated old town of Maienfeld, a footpath leads up through shady green meadows to the foot of the mountains, which, as they gaze down on the valley, present a solemn and majestic picture.” HEIDI - Johanna Spyri (I cant believe that no one recognized this or even guessed. I would have thought it would be obvious since my real name is Heidi and how can I not love the book for which I am named. :P)
The ones that you all recognized.
1) “The primroses were over. Toward the edge of the wood, where the ground became open and sloped down to an old fence and a brambly ditch beyond, only a few fading patches of pale yellow still showed among the dog’s mercury and oak tree roots.” Watership Down - Richard Adams / corax_onyx
2) “Not long ago, there lived in London a young married couple of Dalmation dogs named Pongo and Missis Pongo. (Missis had added Pongo’s name to her own on their marriage, but was still called Missis by most people).” The Hundred and One Dalmations - Dodie Smith / harleenquinzell
3) “The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it.” Black Beauty - Anna Sewell / corax_onyx
4) “A wild, ringing neigh shrilled up from the hold of the Spanish Galleon. It was not the call of an animal in hunger. It was a terrifying bugle. An alarm call.” Misty of Chincoteague - Marguerite Henry / corax_onyx
7) “I remember the day the Aleut ship came to our Island.” The Island of Blue Dolphins - Scott O'Dell / harleenquinzell
8) “Miyax pushed back the hood of her sealskin parka and looked at the Artic Sun.” Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George / corax_onyx
9) “Once upon a time, sixty years ago, a little girl lived in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, in a little gray house made of logs.” Little House in the Big Woods - Laura Ingalls Wilder / skippyclese
10) “I am on my mountain in a tree home that people have passed without ever knowing that I am here.” My Side of the Mountian - Jean Craighead George / harleenquinzell