(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 20:44

Full name: Vanessa Leilani Chow
Date of birth: September 4, 1988
Gender: Female
Location: O-Town, Ohio
Ethnicity: Ugh . . . is melting pot an answer?
Zodiac sign: Virgo (riiight)
Reason for taking survey: Really fucking bored.

[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: Ghosts and water.
If you could come from any country that wasn't your own, what would it be: Idk.
Do you drink: Whenever possible.
Do you smoke: No.
If so, when did you start smoking: N/A
Name every country that your Internet friends originate from or live in: France, India, US.
Now do the same for your family: Belgium and China.
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: I guess both.
Living arrangements: Mom, dad, brother, two dogs, one cat and one fish.
Name any pets you have: ^ they are my fucking family.
Siblings: Satan.
Do you like your school: Who could possibly like Talawanda?
What is your favourite class: Hmm....
What is your least favourite: Geometry.
What genre of movie do you prefer: Depends what mood I'm in.
What movies from that genre do you like the most: I couldn't pick.
Are you a gamer: Sometimes.
If so, what games do you play: Super Smash Bros!!! Wanna play?
What music genre do you listen to the most: What I consider punk, emo, pop-punk, hardcore, etc...
Name some bands/artists you like: Refer to info.
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist, which one would you choose: Taking Back Sunday. Duh.
Are you into self categorization? Nope.
If so, what would you call yourself: What would you call me?

Time of the year: Fall.
Friend: Fuck that.
Family member: Fuck that as well.
Animal: Horse or dog.
Sweet food: Ugh . . .
Savoury food: What the fuck is that?
Spicy food: Not a fan.
Country: Dunno.
Colour: Pink/black (very cliche)
Sitcom: Dunno.
Cartoon: Invader Zim, Family Guy, Futurama.
TV channel: Fuse.
Pastime: Singing and horseback riding (sometimes at the same time).
Drug: I prefer teh alcohol, I must admit.
Fictional book: Animal Farm.
Non-fictional book: Don't have one.
Romance movie: Romeo and Juliet or A Midnight Summer's Dream. (I love Shakespeare)
Sci-fi movie: Not a huge fan.
Action movie: -thinks-
Historical drama movie: idk.
Horror movie: Couldn't pick one.
Music genre: Pop-punk.
Artists from that genre: Alkaline Trio or Brand New.
Anime: Gundam Wing (Don't make fun of me)
Games console: N64
Website: www.blacktiebombers.com
Ice-cream flavour: Don't have one.
Store: Journeys (two of my good friends works there)
Place to relax: Wherever I'm with people I love.
Place to shop: Tri-County, where Ryan, Dusty, Jon, etc... are located.
Place to party: Brad's, Alli's, Tyler's, Fleishers, etc. . .

[Beliefs & Opinions]
What is your opinion on...
The War on Terror: -sigh-
Abortion: It's her choice!
The Illuminati: Wha?
Capital Punishment: -shrug- depends.
Music/Movie Piracy: You can't stop it.
Satanism: If that's what you're into. It can be just as bad as any other religion if you take it too far.
Communism: -shrug-
Child Abuse: If you're gonna abuse it . . . don't have it.
Rape: Rape = Bad.
Taxes: -shrug-
Christmas: Depends.
Third World Debt: Sucks.
Smoking: I hate when smoking becomes a bother. Ex: When you have to hide it, when you have to roll down the windows in a freezing ass fucking car in the middle of winter to let the smoke out, when people are constantly talking about smoking. Plus my mom did everything in her power not to get cancer cuz she knew it ran in my family and she still got it and these kids are welcoming it. I would be hurt if one of my friends got cancer. Well that was long enough.
Libertarianism: -smiles-
Republicans: Eww.
Democrats: Better . . . but still eww.
Outsourcing: Wtf?
White Pride: No.
White Power (they're different, y'know): No.
Racism in general: One of the biggest, if not the biggest, problem of society.
Feminism: Equality.
People who use their cell phones during movies: Depends on if their talking to me or not. Lol.
Gay Marriage: All for!
Nuclear warfare: -frown-
Animal Testing: -cries- Don't do it!

Do you believe in...
God: No.
A counter-god, or devil: No.
Reincarnation: No.
The Soul: No. Well . . . I dunno . . . I'm scared of ghosts.
Evolution: Of course.
Angels: No.
Karma: No.

Do you celebrate Christmas: Nothing to do with religion.
How do you celebrate your birthday: Usually just throw a party that ends up being more for the fun of my friends than for me. My last party ended up with me locking myself in a bathroom and talking to Lj all night.
What is your religion: Atheist.
Does your family have any special customs: Not really.
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: Born athiest.
Are you a vegetarian: Have been for like . . . -checks- one month. But just to try it out. Don't hate me.

[For the Older Kids, Sex!]
Are you a virgin: No.
If applicable, did you like your first time: As much as you can when you're a girl doing it for the first time. -winces-
Ever given head: ... mayyyybe.
Ever recieved head: ...mayyybe.
Ever done anal: Oh everyday!
Does S&M appeal to you: Not really, but I dunno.
Do you watch pornography: I have before, but just as a joke with my friends.
Ever had sex whilst drunk: Yes.
Do you regret any sexual incidents that occurred on your part: Yes, but no incidents where actual "sex" was involved just hookups.
Do you consider yourself sexually attractive: Not really. No.
Favourite sexual position: -shrug-
Tell us about any of your personal beliefs regarding sex: Uhh... I guess it's important to actually have something with that person. I wouldn't just bring someone home and do him.

[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: Yes.
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: I don't think I could explain it if I tried...
Are you, or have you ever been in love: A very serious Yes.
What's your sexual orientation: Experimental?
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: In a non-conventional way.
Do you believe in soul-mates: Not necessarily in the respect that your "souls" were meant for each other. But I believe in relationships where no one could ever take that persons place.
Do you think long-distance love impossible: Is Richmond considered long distance? Well it is in a different state so I'd say . . . yes.
Could you see yourself being unfaithful: I can't see myself with anyone else so no.
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: Ugh . . . of course appearance, you can't notice anything before that. But what attracts me first is usually personality.
Biggest turn-ons: Intelligence, ability to make me laugh, ability to hold up a conversation.
Biggest turn-offs: Saying the wrong thing when they know it shouldn't be said.
Taller or shorter than you: Doesn't matter.
Ever broken someone's heart: Many. -shrug- I warned 'em.
Has someone ever broken yours: No. I don't think so.
Do/would you have children: No.
Any relationship beliefs (such as Gorean philosophy, etc): I guess not.

[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: I stole a belt one time. I don't like to steal.
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: Store.
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: Yeah.
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: Not that I know of. I hope not.
Have you lied to your parents: Who hasn't?
Do you get jealous easily: Sometimes.
Do you have a bad temper: Don't get on my bad side. I'm a huge bitch sometimes.
Have you ever made someone cry: Yeah.
Ever physically hurt someone: I've never been in a fight, and I don't want to be.
Do you consider yourself racist: I would shoot myself first.
Must you always seek vengeance: Me? Vindictive? Naw.

[This or That]
Alcohol or Marijuanna: Alcohol.
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: Pepsi.
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: Wild.
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: Intelligence.
A permanent, stable relationship or an insane sex life: If you have a great relationship with someone you don't really need sex.
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: We don't have "everything else."
Rock or Rap: Rock.
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: Fly.
Hearing or seeing: I could never choose, I'd go crazy.
Depression or anxiety: I've had them both... they both suck. You have no idea.
Immortality without the ability to die, or mortality: Mortality, I don't want to live a short life but I don't want to live forever.
Death by freezing, or burning: Freezing.
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: Like stabbed 100 times or one good one to the heart?
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: I used to go through friends really quickly, but the ones who have stuck with me through it all mean more to me than my own life.
To be a singer or an actor/actress: Singer!
Eternal day or eternal night: Eternal night.
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: Psychic.
Sweet or savoury: I guess either.
To never sleep or to never eat: Never sleep.
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: Eat. I don't sleep all that much anyway.
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: Knowledge.
Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera: Christina can sing.
Bush or Kerry: Kerry.
To enslave or to be enslaved: To enslave. I'd be nice.
To resort to cannibalism or to die: Who would I be eating? ;)

[The Last]
Person you talked to: Emily.
Person you argued with: I don't remember, prolly Rob.
Person you hugged: Tori.
Person you kissed: Rob.
Person you texted: I tried to text James from Emily's phone but it didn't work.
Phonecall: To: Dale.
Thing you ate: Tomato soup.
Thing you drank: Water.
Time you showered: A day ago.
Time you told someone you loved them: A few days ago.
Time someone said they loved you: A few hours ago.
Time you laughed: An hour ago.
Time you vomited: It's been awhile.
Paycheck: I get direct deposit notices.
Time you had sex: I'm not sure.
TV show you watched: Boy Meets World.
Song you listened to: Spitalfield - I Loved the Way She Said L.A.
Movie you watched: The Terminal.
Dream you had: I was in a hotel room with some guy who I felt was my boyfriend but I had never seen him before. The rooms were seperated by draped instead of walls and I met the lead singer of Bayside through these drapes and we fell in love. Then me and Emily and Tori were running around some campus by the hotel looking for him because they didn't believe that we were in love. I thought he had left me so I sat down to cry. He came up behind me and held me and told me he would never leave me...crazy.
Time you got drunk: A couple weeks ago.
Party you went to: I don't party too much anymore. I guess my house.
Item of clothing you bought: Don't remember.
Person you would sleep with: Geez I don't know.

[Really Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: But a horse and all the cds I could handle.
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: Sometimes, but it doesn't come easy.
the best thing somebody has ever said about you: I don't know but Elliot said "ur atrue plaurr" online and made me laugh for 2 hours.
What do you think of P.E.T.A: "Right fight..wrong tactics." <- said best I think. (I concur)...(to Rob's cuncurance)
What do you think of South Park: Entertaining.
Is religious fundamentalism a good idea: No.
Do you like candles: Sometimes.
Do you think emo people are idiots: Sometimes.
Do you think goths are idiots: Sometimes.
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: Depends how many you take in what period of time.
Do you believe men and women are truly equal: I believe they SHOULD be, but they're not. - (agreed)
Do you read books very much: No. I bullshit my way through Honors II English.
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: No.
Describe your mother: She's great and doesn't get due credit.
What's one thing you would change about your body: I wouldn't suck.
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children: Kill them all! Well...yeah I would.
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death: Be incredibly ignorant or abuse animals.
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: I dunno...Michael gave me the only red rose he could find from his brothers funeral and told me to have it as he placed it in my hand.
Do you use IRC: Wha?
Do you use bittorrent: Wha?
What P2P programs do you use: Wha?
Have you ever skydived: I would.
List three things you want to do before you die: Own my own horse, fall in love with no chance of ever falling out, make the people in my life happy.
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself. Who would you save: -thinks till the world collapses-
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: Adam from TBS.
If you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be: Lj.
Are you bored of this survey yet: A little.
What is the meaning of life: I don't think there is one.
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