I Feel Selfish

Oct 26, 2004 00:54

I've been feeling a lot of let down and like life has handed be a band deck of cards. But just before going to bed tonight, I saw the end of a movie a saw not too long ago "Radio" and that movie, made me want to cry, in fact, had Ryan not been here, I have no shame in saying that I would have. I realize now, how selfish I've been with life. I've let some things,that arent' necessarily small, but not nearly as important as I've made them, I've let these things bring me down and begin to wonder why I'm treated the way I am. But that movie reminded me, of the people in this world, that have much more things to worry about than I. People that don't have what I am able to have. People that don't have the friendships that I have. And people that just have some things that keep them from bein able to do things. But they don't let those things get them down. They deal with what they have in the best way they know how. As will I. I will love what I'm given, not want to love what I'm not given. And I will thank God every chance I get, for what I DO have, amazing friendships, a family that I feel truely loved, the ability to be at a fine university such as this, and have the opportunities that I have. Thank you all, who I have mentioned. And you know who you are. Thank you and God bless.

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