Forrest: "Scott, your driving is really shitty."
Scott: "What's that Forrest? Are you saying you don't want a ride home?"
Forrest: "No, I was just saying..."
Scott: "That's what I thought. Now stop bitchin'."
Andrew Akers: not like this "OOHHH lemme bust out a triangle
Andrew Akers: cuz it's so important for you to learn
Andrew Akers: OH SHIT YAH
Andrew Akers: you'll be doing this triangle shit every day of your lives bitches"
Hm. So not much happened today. Jonathan has officially dubbed
these Gayviators™.
Scott: "Hey Forrest!"
Forrest: "Yeah?"
Scott: "Get some new fucking aviators."
I hope I can. Reflective surfaces. I'll try to get everyone at Scouts to get them just to walk around and be cool-looking. Even at night time, bitches.
How could I forget this story? Today driving home from Scouts towards Jonathan's house, we pass these two old people brooming the sidewalk.
Scott: "Is Brow home?"
Jonathan: "I don't know!"
Scott: "Dude let's ding-dong-ditch his house!"
So we go past the people. I give Jonathan my Gayviators™ and he jumps out of the car. He sprints up the porch stairs and gets to the door, rings the doorbell. He waits. Yes, he waits.
Scott: "What the fuck are you doing Jonathan?! I am going to start rolling this car."
Jonathan looks around. I don't know what he's doing either. Scott starts to roll forward, Jonathan jumps off of the steps, LEAPS into Scott's car rolling at 5-10 mph, and busts his leg. It was great.
A new age. A new game.