Jun 07, 2011 10:11
[It's been over a week, and so the ponies are awake, and updated! ... Minus a few of their pony friends. when the video turns on, Fluttershy is in the center...
... and has her face covered with her hands. No, she's not crying - she's so absolutely embarrassed by what happened at the Gala, she can't stand to look at anyone and vice versa. Alas, she can't hide behind her wings, so she has to make due.]
Um, I'm sorry if I'm bothering anyone, but... Applejack, Pinkie Pie and I are awake now... It looks like Rarity and Princess Celestia went home... We're very sorry if we worried anyone. Hopefully everything is back to normal.
[For those choosing action, feel free to gawk at the pink-haired girl who keeps walking around and bumping into things/people/pokemon because she has fer face covered.]