Seventh Flutter [Video/Action for Violet]

May 08, 2011 13:43

[It's a beautiful day in Violet, and Fluttershy is trying to help her newest Pokemon, a Nidorino named One, try to adjust to his 'new family'. So she and her mons are all outside, with Togepi playing with the Pokegear, and Metapod taking a snooze in the shade. So how does Fluttershy think they should adjust?

She, Mareep, and Nidorino are all eating the grass together. Yes, a pink-haired human is on her arms and knees, leaning her face into the green and chomping away. She's fully aware that her 'new' body shouldn't do this, but she ever so wants her newest friend to like her.]

Mmm, very good... see, we can all eat together, like a family.

[Nidorino grunts.]

... Or, well, like friends...
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