What's a friend to do?

Jun 16, 2007 23:42

What is a friend to do when she can't stand being around one of her friends because she's always angry, talking about drugs and talking false smack.  What am I supposed to do around a person that I know I could be really close to if we actually had time together because of our common interests, but doesn't want to because of the emotions they share and the ones that differ. Because of the things she says that are different from what she means, the way she says them.  The way she treats her friends. Yes she says she'll kick anyones ass that hurts them, but then turns around and tells them, Whatever, fuck off when they make a slight joke at her or point out something she said has a flaw within it.   It pisses me off to no end but heaven forbid I should bring it up with out bringing down the wrath of her upon my head for who knows how long.  She'll throw her own insults at us

I don't know what to do.

ignore it all and go on?           That'll only happen for a short time before I blow up in her face.

Approuch her?                 She'll blow up in MY face.  *no real surprise there*

Looks like someones going to blow, but who will it be? 
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