
Jul 04, 2009 18:54

Right, I am new to this community but I loved the idea of writing 10 drabbles to 10 songs chosen at random on my mp3.
Though I have to warn first, I never wrote drabbles before and well, most of them are no longer drabbles but more like short stories...
I usually prefer writing stories which stretch over more than one chapter.
Anyway, here are my attempts:
All include various levels of hints towards KiraxShuuheixRenji

.1.       Pokerface by Lady Gaga; Kira
Kira was good at hiding his emotions. Very good even. It was a regular habit of his, smoothing out his features, covering them with a half smile and weary eyes.

What he hadn’t known was that in the real word they even had an expression for that. They named it having a “poker face”. What he also discovered was that “poker” was a card game from the west, based on bluffing and keeping your opponents guessing which cards you had.

He was interested enough in the game that when he came back to Soul Society he had also gathered some more information about that strange game. Apparently, you could lose a lot as well as gain a lot in a turn.

It took some time though till he realized both Renji and Shuuhei knew poker too. When he found out he asked them that they play together. They agreed if somewhat surprised at Kira’s enthusiasm about a simple game. But they played, and Renji lost, badly. Shuuhei, fully in his element, mastered the rules with such ease the redhead accused him of cheating. Shuuhei would have liked to reply when Kira, who meanwhile had kept a perfect “poker face”, had won.

The fact that poker was similar to seduction; that sometimes it was best to bet everything on one moment, that you could lose as well as gain much, that while he was a master at hiding his own feelings with time some managed to see through it, Kira learned only much later.

He still won most of the times at poker. In the game of seduction though he would lose on a regular basis. It wasn’t completely fair since Shuuhei and Renji would team up against him, yet who was he to complain?

2. Just Dance by Lady Gaga; Shuuhei

Shuuhei was no complete fool. He was perfectly aware that he was slowly but surely losing control. Even as a lieutenant he had been completely unprepared by the shear amount of work there was. His own share was large enough; enough to fill up a whole day, but there was the work his missing captain to top it off. It was simply too much.

Shuuhei didn’t know towards what he was going, didn’t know if and for how long he could continue like that. He only understood that he had to try. The moment he started to think too much about it he would be lost for real. For now small, thin threads held him up, strongest among them the present of Kira and Renji at his side but he feared even that wouldn’t be enough.

Already he barely knew the names of the newest additions to the 9th squad, the faces blurring together in his mind. He was forgetting parts of the schedule, struggling behind, trying to save what was still there. Of course his 3rd and 4th seat tried their best but they too had enough on their hands.

Shuuhei knew it was somewhere a lost battle that he was bound to collapse one day of exhaustion but he continued anyway, telling himself over and over that it was going to be okay.

3. Back In The Picture by The Rasmus; Renji

Renji didn’t open his eyes immediately. Instead he dragged an arm over his face, blocking out the light shinning into his room. Then only did he lift one eye lid. The room swam into a vague focus from under his arm. Just what time was it?

He felt better. Much better, actually. Like he could stand up again, wash and get dress. He even felt an ounce of energy flowing through him. Renji could hear beyond the door of his bedroom the now familiar sounds of Kira and Shuuhei walking around in his living quarters. The feeling of ease which hadn’t left him, increased in his chest.

It had all started five days ago. Five days. When it had finally hit Renji in the face that Rukia was truly and completely in love with Ichigo and that there was no real space left for him in her life. He had seen it coming, he couldn’t really deny that. And even while he had pushed the obvious signs away from his mind, somewhere deep inside him he had known. Yet it was something different, knowing and getting irrefutable proof slammed into your face. In that case it had been a proudly displayed hicky upon the neck. There was no denying after that.

The whole night he had been awake sitting upon his bed, simply, stupidly starring at his room. And he had stayed like that. The whole night. The whole following day. And the night after that. This was when Kira and Shuuhei appeared.

He couldn’t exactly remember what they said or what he answered back, just that he wouldn’t open the door. That they begged and threatened but at the end seemed to understand, as Kira’s soft voice had reached him through the wooden door.

They would call in sick for him, and come back as soon as their own work allowed them. Surprisingly they had. Barely an hour later, he heard them again. They hadn’t tried to speak to him again, but the soft noises they made as they settled down, speaking softly to each other.

Renji realized, listening that they had actually brought their paper work along with them and his own. He felt guilty then, but not quite enough for him to step out of his room. This had continued for the last four days. Occasionally either Kira or Shuuhei would come knocking, checking upon him, just making sure he was still alive in there but that was it. Still Renji drew comfort from the sounds they made. It allowed distraction from his own thoughts.

This morning though it didn’t hurt this much anymore. It didn’t weight so heavily upon his chest anymore. Renji knew that beyond the door Kira and Shuuhei were still there, patiently waiting. Today he felt he could go back to them.

4. Caught up by Usher; Renji

Renji knew what they called him behind his back. “Man-whore” was repeated enough that he was familiar with the less than complimentary name. It would have bothered him, if it wasn’t for the little fact that he knew exactly who called him this. It was the guys would were jealous, having no luck in getting any girls or guys and who found nothing better to do than to insult those they envied.

Knowing this helped. Especially since somewhere he had been quite proud of his long history of a skirt-chaser and a successful one at that.

What he hadn’t seen coming at all was that he was going to have to endure the angry comments from the women too. Not about his reputation with women but regarding the fact that he now had two male lovers. If anything, Renji was the first one surprised.

Well, the fact that they were men was a surprise but two of them? Renji just shook his head; why did people think he was the one responsible for that situation?? He was completely innocent! It had been all Shuuhei’s and Kira’s fault.

No matter the harsh whispered words behind his back, when he would regularly get tender words whispered directly into his ears.

5. Last Night by Keyshia Cole ft P. Diddy; Kira

Something had happened between Shuuhei and Renji. In the middle of the night Kira had gotten two Hellbutterflies, the two of them waiting patiently by his bed till he woke up and gathered the nearest one onto his finger.

The first one was by Shuuhei, the second one by Renji. And while they both hadn’t said the same thing and neither truly asked for help, Kira had known that there was a true problem. He hadn’t rushed over, since that wouldn’t have helped. Instead he had relayed the Hellbutterflies of the other to one another.

Since both were too proud and too stubborn Kira knew it would them good to hear the other one equally broken. It was plain to see to Kira how both loved each other dearly and needed one another. That they both turned to him in time of need made his heart ache and yet he couldn’t help but feel happy too. They needed him and he knew needed them nearly as much as they needed each other.

6. Funeral Song by The Rasmus; Shuuhei

He knew it was wrong. He knew it was unfair; that it would hurt them both. That it was his fault somewhere for not sending him back. But how, H-o-w was he supposed to turn the one person he desired down?

Stroking the blond mass of hair, Shuuhei cradled Kira against his chest and gently kissed this one on the forehead.

Damn it! He knew Renji was bound to arrive, to see them like this, and that Kira would go back to his real lover. Yet his arms closed tightly, protectively around the blonds’ frame bringing him closer.

7. Heat Dies Down by Kaiser Chiefs; Renji

Renji blushed fiercely. He could feel the blood rushing to his face as he desperately turned away trying to dislodge the picture burned into this mind. It was obvious alcohol helped but still! A half naked Shuuhei pushing Kira against the seats with wandering hands was too much for him to handle at the moment. He would be back at that table when things had cooled off a bit.

8. Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace; Kira

Both Shuuhei and Renji sat around the bed. One on each side, each holding onto a pale and unresponsive hand. On the bed lay Kira, plunged deep into sleep from the medication. Neither knew what had happened exactly. Both had received the news few instants ago, and after having made sure the other knew too, they had rushed over.

Now they sat there, waiting. Kira’s wounds were not life threatening yet blood loss and deep cuts had drained his energy.

They were startled by the door opening, revealing a shy Shinigami. Seeing that there were already people he was about to make a hasty retreat when Shuuhei called out to him, allowing him to enter.

“Who are you?” Renji asked once the young man stood beside them.

“I-I am a new member of the 3rd squad.” He answered while looking around uncomfortably. “I-It was my fault Lieutenant Kira was injured and so-I thought…I came to make sure he was fine!” He finally blurred out looking up for a second before dropping his gaze towards the floor. “He protected me while I was on the ground. He shouted at me that if I wanted to get out alive of this battle I was to run.”

“And I did.” He murmured guiltily.

For an instant both Renji and Shuuhei were startled, looking between their fallen lover and the new member, till Shuuhei smiled warmly.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said tightening his grip onto Kira’s hand, “He’s an idiot. Next time don’t obey him, he won’t be mad.”

9. Die Posaunen Von Jerichio by E Nomine;

One did not usually enter the Captain-Commander’s office like that. It was nearly a threshold into a greater place. The whole room pulsed with the reiatsu of the Commander, his mere presence causing numerous of the newer members to collapse onto their knees, gasping.

Normally Shuuhei would also follow the codex and knock, wait and then bow when entering the room. Right now though he purposely marched in, and slammed his hands upon the Commander’s table.

“What does this mean? Why aren’t we ordered to follow Renji into Hueco Mundo?!” He asked brusquely while the older man calmly raised his eyes to meet his. Before he could answer though, the door flew open once again and Kira ran into the room.

“Captain-Commander! I apologize but I-” Kira starred at Shuuhei in surprise.

“Kira? What are you doing here?” the later one asked, equally stunned.

“I wish to request permission to enter Hueco Mundo and bring back Lieutenant Abarai and Kuchiki Rukia.” Kira snapped at attention, directing his plea towards Yamamoto who still sat behind his desk.

Remembering why he was here, Shuuhei also turned to the elder man.

“No.” the answer cut through any hopes they might have left. Just as Shuuhei opened his mouth to protest anew, he was silenced by a wave of burning reiatsu, reminding him whom he was talking too. Next to him Kira paled, but both stood firm.

“Your places are with your squad. You’re dismissed.” And with that Yamamoto closed his eyes again, and there was nothing left for the two Lieutenants but to bow and exit.

10. Seeman by Apocalyptica & Nina Hagen;

There weren’t many seasonal changes in Seireitei. Certain trees blossomed all year, while some still followed a certain pattern known only to them. The sky stayed blue most of the time, while white clouds drifted by lazily. The grass was always green and the temperatures warm.

It wondered nobody therefore to find numerous Shinigami making the best out of their rare free hours. Captain Histugaya was said to sit onto the highest of the hills surrounding Seireitei, Captain Kuchiki usually retreated into his private gardens, while Captain Ukitake lingered in the flowered grounds of the 13th squad. Shinigami of lesser status were usually to be found lying in the grass, climbing in trees or simply sitting outside.

Yet there was one place which was reserved. It belonged to three Lieutenants. The three would always gather there. When they could together, else alone or with others. But it was an unspoken rule that none should seat under that tree without at least one of the three Lieutenants present.

Kira, Shuuhei and Renji would usually be of good company for anyone happening to stumble by. Most of the time though people left them alone. It was like prying upon a couple, and many rumors were running that maybe it truly was. No wonder since their favorite position to relax in had Kira’s head resting upon Renji’s lap while this one rested against Shuuhei.
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