Pop Culture Roundup

Jun 05, 2006 13:25

  • Tangerine - I have posted many times before about my love of David Mead, so I suppose its not surprising that I will mention the new album. I like it. I think its clear that he wasn't trying to write a Big Hit Radio Single, and so none of the songs really stands out as much as some of the individual tracks on previous efforts, but he is trying to do interesting things with the music and he is stretching himself as a songwriter and a musician and that's neat to see (er...hear). I don't think this is as good as Indiana or Luxury of Time, but its still better than most of the music out there.
  • Surprise - I bought the new Paul Simon when I saw it cheap, and I like it. Again, it isn't a classic and I think most of the songs won't be remembered ten years from now when he makes his next comeback, but some of them are quite good and Brian Eno adds something interesting to the mix.
  • X3 - I really enjoyed the first two X-Men movies, despite the fact that I was more of a Fantastic Four and Avengers kind of fan when I read funny books myself. I think that Bryan Singer did an excellent job making movies that felt like comic books, with enough characterization to keep it interesting but not so much that it dragged the story too much. Unfortunately, the third X-film was nowhere near as good. Largely this is due to some poor choices in story giving the whole Phoenix saga the short end of the stick and the fact that they are still stuck with the horrid casting of Halle "Dave Justice Stalked Me" Berry, but this film was thoroughly underwhelming. It had its moments, but it could have been so so much better.
  • Elektra - Daredevil was the comic book movie that made me realize that despite my many years working in a comic book store I didn't need to see every comic book movie they made. But somehow Elektra made its way to the top of our Netflix queue. I'm not sure if I liked it more or less than Daredevil -- its a close call, honestly -- but the movie was far far worse than a movie featuring Jennifer Garner running around in very little clothing should be. Sigh.
  • Rescue Me - I think I understand how all you Sopranos fans felt a few years ago when you were ranting and raving about how everyone needed to start watching the show. Because I think that Rescue Me continues to be one of the better shows on television, combing the funniest scenes I have ever seen ("In heaven you just think and suddenly you can taste Mountain Dew") with some of the most tragic. If you aren't watching the show, you need to be. If you are watching it, you should also be reading Lou's anti-blog which is also very very amusing.
  • College World Series - It always seems criminal to me how much less coverage the baseball tournament gets than the bowl games or March Madness. Go Owls!
  • Mixed Signals - My latest blog addiction is this blog from the newsroom at NPR. It gives an interesting take on a lot of stories and how they are playing out on NPR, as well as just a source for random trivia and distractions. Check it out.
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