Yesterday was graduation. It was my last formal -- or informal -- event of my first year on a new job. So I got all dressed up in my rented regalia (because I'll probably hold out until tenure to buy my own, especially since they buy you a set when you get tenure) and sat in the windy weather and listened to Famous Alum talk about all kinds of Grand Important Things and then I watched 500 or so 21 year olds get handed their diplomas. And I ate up every minute of it. As I've mentioned before, I'm a total sucker for academic traditions -- it's a friggin' mace, after all -- and so despite the fact that I knew very few of the graduates I had a grand old time.
And it may just be my imagination but it seemed to me that the families were
far more respectful than the idiots at Columbia that pissed me off last year.
And now it's summer. And I have a crapload of research to do, in between some conferences and some gardening and trying to relax and decompress. Wish me luck.