app/info; Saints Row series spoilers

Dec 09, 2011 12:54

IC Information;
Character Name; Johnny Gat
Canon; Saints Row: The Third
Canon Point; Post mission: I'm Free - Free-Fallin'
Age; Mid 30s

House; Baldr
Power; Regeneration

Personality; On the surface, it'd be easy to assume that Gat is little more than a brutish street thug. He's certainly a brawny, brash, quick acting type of man but to think he doesn't have the brains to back himself up is a foolish (and most likely fatal) mistake. He's not a scholar but he CAN appreciate a good plan. He'd just... Rather go balls-to-the-walls instead. It's easy to argue that he's a sociopathic, sadistic killing machine; His immediate plan of action defaults to "Can problem X be solved with murder? If so, fuck yes let's roll." and he's even disappointed if a plan doesn't involve copious amounts of shooting people in the face. He'll go with a less violent plan, sure, but it's begrudging and he's going to complain the entire way through. This, combined with his complete and utter fearlessness, makes him terrifyingly dangerous. He doesn't let anything or anyone stop him, and doesn't really stop to consider that maybe a plan going in with rocket launchers against hordes of enemy gang members and police officers may end poorly. Nothing is ever really "IF we fail" to him so much as it is "IF we need to bring more guns." And really, Gat always, ALWAYS brings enough guns.

This violent streak combines with his thin temper and large ego in a poor way. If you cross him wrong, you're lucky if you just get a punch to the face. Hell, you're even luckier if you die quickly. Johnny is a man who takes grudges seriously and personally, and will hunt you down to the end of the earth if you fuck him or one of his friends over.

On the subject of friendship, Gat is exceedingly loyal. While he's quick to snap and isn't exactly shy about violence (as made very obvious), he has a strong sense of loyalty and will go above and beyond to protect and avenge those he allies himself with. He'll be the first person to give you shit and the first person to have your back. The best example of this is his relationships with Aisha and The Boss throughout the games. From the first Vice Kings mission in Saints Row to her death in the Ronin storyline in Saints Row 2, it's made very clear that for all the bullshit he gives Aisha, he loves her and would do anything for her. It's slow in the beginning, and there is a very obvious clash in tastes (His idea of a date is taking her to a fast food joint after helping her fake her death to get her out of a record deal, for example) but he's obviously willing enough to compromise for her; Enough that they end up living together during the events of Saints Row 2 (with him being starkly and humorously domestic about it). When she's murdered by the Ronin lieutenant Jyuinichi in a trap, he's sent into a severe homicidal spike far more venomous than his normal tendencies. His strategy against the Ronin goes from "hit them financially and get them while they're scattered" to "fucking destroy them from the top down" in an instant, despite suffering a near-fatal stabbing from a sword. The Ronin leader, Shogo Akuji, is treated with a brutal beating and live burial by Gat himself as final revenge when he interrupts Aisha's funeral.

Gat's relationship with the Boss is also interesting, considering he started out in a position above the Boss. While one would assume Johnny's ego and hotheadedness wouldn't allow him to be so easily commanded by a young upstart, he holds a lot of respect for the Boss. For one, the Boss is fucking crazy. Gat can appreciate that. Two, Gat knows that the Boss, for all his insanity and all his chaos, takes care of his own. Three, which ties into two, the Boss has gotten Gat's back countless times (and vice versa). Four, the Boss doesn't shy away from anything. Gat is someone you could describe as fearless - though a better way to put it is that he really just doesn't give a fuck - and this is often reflected in his plans. The fact that the Boss doesn't back off or give a second thought to plans that involve running head on into a whole gang guns blazing or diving through the entirety of a plane to hijack and land it, and seems to in fact encourage them only strengthens the bond the two have. Out of everyone, the Boss is really the one person Johnny won't question. And if he does, and for more than a split second, he knows he's also the one person the Boss'll take into consideration without much fight.

None of this is to say he's all business either. He has a good sense of (very dark) humor about things, even while going off on murderous rampages. He's quick to put someone in their place, and just as quick to bullshit and joke with them too.

Network Sample; [The video cuts on abruptly to Gat, reclining on a sofa with a rather thoughtful look] Listen up motherfuckers, I don't know what kind of hippy bullshit was going down here before but things are gonna run different now. First of all, the Saints are setting up shop. You got a problem with that, yo - You can take it up with my boss but uh, hope you don't like fuckin' breathing if you try that. Second? First asshole who comes up here with a stripper pole and a case of beer is officially canonized. Everyone else? Has to do it the old fashioned way.

Shit, if it's good booze I'll even let you canonize the next guy. I'm feelin' charitable today.

Log Sample; If there was one thing Gat really hated having to do it was the motivational appearances. Most of the time they weren't so bad - He just had to show up, sign shit, maybe say a thing, and move on his day, and he did get a fuck load of money out of it - But there were some days...

Some days you get stuck at some stuck up rich fuck's birthday party. You know, the kind where the parents buy out the entire fucking themed restaurant for the week so their spoiled brat can be king of the goddamn castle while the animatronic rodents blow into their jugs songs of his spoils. Johnny hated that shit. The only reason he agreed to this is because he knew there were Saints already dishing out some instant karma as sat and signed autograph after autograph. Besides, with the way the little bastards were chugging down the Saints Flow, it wasn't like he'd have to deal with them too long anyway.

It was after about the fiftieth kid (how did this entitled little shitstain have so many friends? Probably bought 'em all out, fucker) cooing for his autograph that he was ushered to the small, grimy stage. A stage he had to share with a half broken, rusted, animatronic band of bullshit animals that he was pretty sure weren't even real. No one's ever seen a rat like that, anyway. Before he could scrutinize the terrible workmanship of the singing robot mammals too deeply, a microphone was shoved into his face. "What the fuck do you mean I gotta say something now?" He gestured to the 'band' with a pistol, "You couldn't have cleaned these pieces of shit off the stage first?" Well, the mic worked. Surprising, considering the general state of affairs here. What also worked was the parents' (and their lawyers') immediate kneejerk reaction devolving into loud complaining.

"Oh, fuck off; You stup-" It was actually amazing how quickly the mic was cut off and Mr. Gat was escorted from the building. He could only assume they beefed up the security for their kid. Good, let them stay distracted over here. "Get your fuckin' hands off me!" He didn't really need an escort - he was more than happy to get out of there - but the more heat on him the better.

There was a big fucking heist going down on these asshole's assets, after all.

!info, !app, !ooc

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