Jan 18, 2005 12:00
alright so here's an update on all things seb and seb related!
first off for those of you i have not told, me and brent have applied to put on "my" play at the fringe, i am so excited, it means a lot of work and more time than i may be able to afford it. i will probably be writing, directing and acting in the play but with some luck brent will be in the same shoes as i and we'll walk those roads together. with the help of all of you i would think this whole thing will be accomplished fairly easily so as i find jobs for all of you, you will be informed.
the play has grown and taken on new direction as it's progressed, hopefully all of you are able to attend it if you aren't already directly involved in it.
in other news school has become a joy in my life. i have grown to actually like it. i was afraid for awhile that i was just wasting my time and that i would get nowhere and possibly fail both my classes but now i have settled into a school type groove and i think things will work out really well, even if i have no immediate direction.
looking for a new job, yes i hated movie gallery and stayed there for 2 and 1/2 odd years continually saying "i gotta get a new job" and not doing anything but this is different, i am exhausting myself at this job, both waking up early and running around doing errands, i truly can find things i like but am far too solitary in life now than i want to be and it's mostly this jobs fault, or at least i want to pretend it is.
the new strung out album is a must buy people. "exile in oblivion" is an amazing array of songs, and though strung out has taken a turn towards "pop-punk" sounds they also have some songs on this album that reflect on the old days of slamming guitar solos and amazing punk riffs as well as wickedly written lyrics that sometimes send a shiver down your spine. it's overall just a great album. especially track 10 wow great tune.
in more personal news i have found myself at a stand still with my mother, we seem to be in this funk lately where she thinks that every thing i say is negative and somehow meant to hurt her and that i am over sensitive when it comes to being at the brunt of jokes and comments she makes. she has always been one of those i'm always right kind of people and lately has taken on an attitude of "thats not what i said" even though it's exactly what she said. maybe i'm still just in a fit of anger from our fight yesterday but i'm fed up with being the bad guy here. i'm trying very hard to be civil but it's hard to take her little jibs as anything but insult when i'm still so pissed at her for her shitty attitude towards the entire family dynamic that we have going. yes i'm still angry about the divorce thing, and frankly i'm happy about it, maybe once they get divorced i won't be the dumping ground for there negative emotions and feelings towards each other. i can now understand why young children that go through a divorce can end up so messed up sometimes. instead of leaving there kids out of it and dealing with how the kids are dealing with it they force the child to endure all the bullshit and pain head on and possibly take to brunt of it for the parent. it's not that i don't want them to divorce i'm passed all that i just want to stop feeling like a part of some conspiracy against them and like i am hurting them by wanting to be around the other. maybe i just grew apart from my mother while she was in brandon maybe we just evolved into different people and since we have such similar bullheaded characteristics we just can't get along. i'm not sure what exactly it is but be sure that i am analyzing it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. but enough of my childish rantings.
so yeah play, job, cd, fighting/issues, thats it i think, unless someone here wants to buy a 2002 grand prix?