On the way to photograph the pothole that harmed my little car

Jan 03, 2010 22:43

If you've already heard about the mishap with my little car sorry to bore you again, but why does cold weather and rain add up to large potholes that shouldn't be there? On New Year's Eve OH was driving us in my little car to visit some friends when there was a loud crunching noise and my little car made the most horrendous noise. We were partly in and partly out of a large pothole! OH managed to turn the car round eventually and we limped home, changed cars and set off again to see our friends.

Next morning in daylight OH checked my car over and declared the passenger front wheel to be the most damaged and the rest "might be ok". Fortunately the garage were very helpful and yesterday OH and I took my car very slowly to the garage. When OH informed me on the way that I should be more worried when the horrendous noise got quieter I began to wonder what we were doing trying to drive to the garage!! I am pleased to report that the garage managed to get the buckled wheel off (they had to drill it off!) and put the spare on so I can get to work tomorrow. They have ordered a new wheel for me which will arrive by the middle of the week. I was advised to take photos of the pothole and claim the cost of the new wheel from the council.

OH's parents were due round yesterday afternoon and as they like to go walking we suggested they might like to come with us, so we all set off to take photos of the pothole and measure it. When we arrived we found 2 council lorries and that the pothole had just been filled in. I took photos and OH measured it. Turned out the pothole was larger than I had thought.

I also took some pictures of the surrounding scenery as the weather was not too cold we had a very pleasant walk before going home for coffee and cake. Would you like to see some of my photos?

another view

a view of the walk back looking out to the sea and tankers in the distance

part of the village green

I'll leave it at that for now but may post some more pictures in a day or so.
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