Man, I should really stop typing fics late at night. e_e
TITLE : First Loss
AUTHOR: 3675309/Rozen
FANDOM: Pokemon
PAIRING: Lt. Surge/Layla Clapton (OC)
LETTER: D for deep-rooted; table # 11
SUMMARY: Layla's first meeting with him turns out well, until the fight.
WORD COUNT: 1, 140
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The battle is a little bland, and the ending sounds too cheesy. Then again, what do you expect for something that's typed up late at night?
DISCLAIMER: Lt. Surge belongs to Nintendo and Satoshi Tajiri, Layla belongs to me
At the time she was 19, Layla had already spent a year of traveling ever since she left Mauville City to go after her dream of becoming a strong Gym Leader specializing in Dark-type Pokemon. Even if her mother had to face the reality of her child growing up, the girl still had to promise her that she would come back only for a day. And now, today was day when she'd go home.
Layla surveyed the city from afar and smiled. Everything was still the same after she left. She quickly ran towards it, her heart almost bursting from happiness at the sight. Even if she had been trapped for seventeen years in the house, she always loved to sneak out when her mother was at work and wander around the streets and alleys. She also liked to see Wattson fight the new challengers, and had longed for the day when she would finally get a taste on the battlefield.
Speaking of which, she sped down the path leading to the Mauville Gym, as Wattson was also the one who taught her everything she needed to know about battling. She was eager to tell him what her first year traveling alone was like, and also wanted to let him know how much her skills had grown.
As she reached the gym and was about to open the door, she heard some voices inside. With her curiosity piqued, Layla pressed her ear to the door to hear more clearly.
"Wahahaha! You've taken an interest in electric types too, eh?"
"Yeah, they really saved my life during that war!"
"Ah! So, that's why. How interesting..."
Layla blinked. 'Who is that old man talking to?', she thought, and decided to open the door to see who it was.
"Ah, Layla! It's so nice to see you today!", Wattson said as he heard her walk in. "How was your first year of journeying across the region?"
Layla smiled. "It was totally awesome! I loved being able to travel without any restraint. I knew that Hoenn was filled with interesting sights and people, but being able to actually see them in, it makes me wish that I had been able to see it earlier in my life! I also got my first Pokemon, and we've been battling left and right! So far, I haven't lost yet. It's all thanks to your teachings!"
The old man grinned. "That's nice to hear! I'm glad that you were able to see part of the world around you, before it was too late! Ha ha ha!"
"Hey, hey! I can handle anything, even if I get old!", she laughed.
"So, that's the girl who has a thirst for battling?", a third voice asked.
Wattson nodded. "Indeed she is! Careful that you don't tick her off, though!", he said, before he realized something. "Ah, that's right! Layla, I'd like to introduce you to Lt. Surge!" He then pointed at the tall, muscular man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes. "He was originally from America, but he came all the way to our land in order to become a Gym Leader."
Layla looked at Lt. Surge intently. 'Huh. Sounds exactly like my goal.', she thought as she held out her hand for a handshake.
Lt. Surge smiled and returned the gesture. "A pleasure to meet one of Wattson's students. So, tell me. What is it that you love about Pokemon battles?"
"'s hard to say.", Layla replied. "I mean, I don't think I have a favorite part of Pokemon battling. However, I do love the rush of excitement of being able to participate in a battle."
Lt. Surge nodded as he took in the information he heard. "I that case, would you care to show me how good you are?", he asked.
The girl raised her brow. "You want to challenge me?"
"Heh, what else would I ask for?", Lt. Surge smirked. "Unless you're too scared."
Layla suddenly frowned at his comment. "Like hell I am!", she snapped.
Wattson sweatdropped at her outburst, and knew that she had a short temper. He also knew that she can be prone to fits of tantrums whenever she lost. He sighed as the other two walked to their repsective sides of the battlefield, knowing that he had to take the role of referee.
"Commence the battle!", he announced.
"Go, Scorpio!", Layla shouted, and released her Skorupi. It gave a little growl as it appeared on the field, and immediately took a battle stance.
Lt. Surge chuckled. "Cute Skorupi you've got there."
Layla twitched and snarled. "Just send out whatever you've got already, so that Scorpio can beat its ass!"
"Geez, kind of touchy, aren't ya?", the military man said, before he released his Pokemon.
"Tch, what is that?", Layla snorted as she pointed at the Raichu. "A giant clown rat?"
Lt. Surge frowned. "At least it's not unevolved."
"What was that?!", Layla shrieked. Wattson sighed even more. At this point, it was futile to even tell her to calm down.
"Ugh, whatever! Scorpio, use Poison Sting!", the girl ordered. Scorpio lunged towards the Raichu, its tail ready to strike.
"Hmph. Raichu, use Thunderbolt.", Lt. Surge commanded.
Raichu smirked and quickly released a huge volt at Scorpio. The Skorupi instantly fell to the ground and was knocked out. Layla's eyes widened and dropped to her knees as Wattson declared Lt. Surge the winner of the battle.
"You...YOU JERK!", she seethed.
Lt. Surge shrugged. "Hey, it's not my fault that your Skorupi isn't up to my Raichu's level."
"That was a cheap shot!"
"No, that was just a one-sided battle."
"Whatever, you jerk!"
"Eh, call me when you decide to stop whining and get stronger.", he muttered. "Wattson, thank you for having me over and teaching me some of the things on being a Gym Leader." He then left the gym.
Wattson looked over at Layla in concern. The look on her face was a mix of embarrassment and anger, and she felt like she wanted to smash something. He shook his head and went over to comfort her.
"It's okay. It is only your first loss.", Wattson said. "There may be more to come, but that does not mean that you are a failure as a trainer. It only serves to show you whatever mistakes you have made in the battlefield, and you always learn from them. Remember that lesson?"
Layla nodded as she calmed down and withdrew her Skorupi. "I do..."
"That's good."
"That's why I'm going to go train some more, so that I can defeat that bastard!"
And with that, Layla took off, with Wattson uselessly shouting after her to stop. A deep-seated grudge had already been set, but little did she know that it would turn into something she never expected.