May 10, 2009 19:05
All the following are from Room: A Space Of Your Own, 32.1, ed, Clelie Rich, The Growing Room Collective, 2009.
The theme for this issue "in sad or singing weather"
37. "The Sum of Beth"- Penny K-Kilthau
Some people should just not be parents.
38. "Burning Years"- Wendy Brandts
I had what I would call a normal and safe life as a kid that lacked any edge. This story has that and offers a glimpse of that to me. I still don't understand.
39. "Seasonal Employment" - Nancy Pawelek
How we all find different ways to escape our past and the imprint that past plays on the now and can paralyze us in the future.
40. "Newfoundlesbian" - Shannon Webb-Campbell
Unravels in a way that is organic
41. "What Noise Can Carry" - Kerry Clare
Some neighbours forget they have neighbours with ears.
42."The Path"- Rose Hamilton-Gottlieb
43. "The Princess and the Poet"- Angela Long
Relationships are best when they live and die in their destinies which are not forcibly changed by greed, desperation and fear of loss.
44."Killdeer God"- Patricia Westerhof
When young we put our trust in adults. This young girl likes to think of a friend's dad as the face of God. As an adult she learns the truth about him and from what she was spared.
45. " The Bone Game"- Madeline Sonik
Patriarchy batters those that provide the foot soldiers of the human race. And so we have shelters where women gather to hide, heal and haunt society.
46 "Weather"- Karyn Smith
Trying to understand adult relationship dynamics as a kid. The only one in the journal I found lacking.
I look forward to the next volume coming in the mail later this year