March 26th, 2014

Mar 26, 2014 11:03

AUTHOR: qichi

March 26th, 2014

"I just slipped," Arthur hisses through the chain-link fence. "It's not dangerous, Alfred, come on-"

But Alfred shakes his head again, resisting. "If it wasn't dangerous why did you slip? Let's just go home."

Arthur has his hands on the fence. He shakes it, rattling the metal. Alfred's eyes go wide in response and Arthur can't help a mean-spirited laugh at the way his boyfriend's head swivels around in both directions.

"D'you know what 'abandoned' means? Alfred. Come on. It's fine. It's fine, would I do anything if I thought it'd hurt you?"

Again Alfred hesitates; Arthur takes the pause to let go of his grip on the fence, stepping slowly backwards. It's meant to be inviting, enticing - something like that. It's meant to move Alfred forward.

Luckily Arthur knows him exactly as well as he thinks he does, and Alfred's soon clambering (if a bit haphazardly) up the fence, over the top, and down the other side. He does just what Arthur had done: lands on a small rock that slips right out from under his feet, and wobbles.

But while Arthur had fallen onto his still-aching tailbone, Alfred doesn't go anywhere, because Arthur hurries right forward to hold him steady.

"Um," Alfred says, not meeting his eyes at first - and then he does, and it's dark but Arthur can still see the dull shine of the blue in them, and he's beautiful. "Thanks."

Arthur pulls Alfred gently closer and kisses him. "Yeah. Let's go."

They make their way step by step, following the occasional curve of a railroad track overrun with weeds and the withered corpses of cigarettes. At some point Alfred reaches over and takes Arthur's hand in his own. "This is so illegal," he laughs.

"It is, yeah," Arthur agrees, "but you'll be in bed by morning and you'll sit in your classes like nothing happened at all. Promise."

There's a slight increase in pressure - Alfred squeezing Arthur's hand. "I want a few things to happen."

"Things," Arthur repeats, a question in monotone, the repetition begging an answer.

Alfred goes quiet for a long moment. Arthur thinks he might be blushing but isn't sure of it, not in this darkness. Just as he opens his mouth to begin to nudge Alfred to explain, Alfred beats him to it by, well, explaining. "Let's make out behind that warehouse."


"I-I mean, only if you want-"

"Come on. Race you there."

creator: qichi, drabble: fic, month: march

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