March 9th, 2014 - Recently, I've been dying to meet you

Mar 09, 2014 11:45

AUTHOR: justa-fangirl

March 9th, 2014 - Recently, I've been dying to meet you

Every day, Alfred would take his Nintendo 3DS handheld gaming console to work with him. A lot of people seemed to think he was too old for video games, but Alfred would be happy to explain to any of them that they were so totally wrong. People could never grow out of video games, because it was a medium of entertainment that was always evolving!

And besides, what else was he supposed to do on his daily commute? His 3DS actually helped make the crowded train journey home the best part of his day, because that was when he got to play StreetPass.

StreetPass was a special function on the 3DS, whereby anyone who carried their own console would pop up on your system if you passed them on the street in real life. When you met someone's little avatar, called a Mii, you could use them to play games and win little prizes.

It was pretty addictive, and Alfred loved opening up his 3DS on the train home to see all the people he'd inadvertently met during the day, and trying to figure out where he might have met them and who they might be in reality.

Alfred had chosen to make his avatar look like himself, so that people who met him on StreetPass would be able to recognise him. (He had a bit of trouble getting his character to sport that unique cowlick of his, but along with the big smile, bright blue eyes, golden hair and tan skin, he felt he was pretty recognisable as his Mii.) But sometimes people decided to get creative with their avatars, so it was hard to tell who they might be in real life.

Like the little guy Alfred met one Monday evening as he played StreetPass on the train home from work. He was checking out the parade of avatars he'd met that day and couldn't help but laugh to himself as a disgruntled looking little Mii popped up at the end of the line. He was short and almost stick-thin, with clashing blond hair and giant black eyebrows. Nobody had eyebrows like that, and even if you did, you wouldn't want them reflected on your Mii! The avatar must be based a cartoon character or something.

The big eyebrows made the Mii look permanently grumpy, but that made the little avatar's smile all the more adorable when it greeted Alfred's character at the gates of his Streetpass Plaza.

"I'm Arthur from England," the Mii said. "Nice to meet you! Gallifrey Stands."

Alfred's eyes widened at the message, and he smiled giddily. A fellow 'Doctor Who' fan! Sure, many people in England loved the famous sci-fi show, but this guy was obviously a big fanboy to use such a slogan as his StreetPass message. Alfred had the utmost respect for such geekiness.

"Recently I've been playing Pokémon X," Arthur continued, which caused Alfred to perk up again. "By the way, I like cats. My dream for the future is to be a wizard."

It was an ordinary enough encounter, but still Alfred was drawn to this Arthur guy. He seemed to be an adult (judging by the fact that they'd met during commuting hours), who loved Pokémon and Doctor Who. What wasn't to like?! Alfred hoped they'd StreetPass each other again tomorrow.

Sure enough, when Alfred popped open his 3DS on the train home, there was Arthur waiting for him at the gates to his StreetPass Plaza again.

Meeting twice meant Alfred now had the chance to put in a special new greeting message just for Arthur, so he whipped out his stylus and typed out a personalised message eagerly.

"Love Doctor Who!" he entered into the box, hoping the small 16-character limit of the message could convey his excitement. Now, if he met Arthur again tomorrow, that greeting would be sent to him. Maybe Arthur would even write a special message for him!

It went on like this for a whole week. Alfred and Arthur passed each other at some point every day on Alfred's way home, but never actually saw one another. They did begin exchanging messages via their Miis, though.

"Fav. episode?" Arthur's Mii asked on Wednesday.

"Prob Don't Blink" was Alfred's reply.

"Acceptable." said Arthur on Thursday, and Alfred laughed out loud. He'd passed some sort of fanboy test, apparently.

"Excited for 12?" Alfred replied on Friday evening (meaning the 12th actor to play the show's titular character, who would begin his role later on in the year).

By now it was the weekend, so Alfred wouldn't be hearing Arthur's reply till Monday. He found himself actually desperate for the working week to begin, just so he could do his commute and see Arthur's avatar again. He knew it was stupid, but it was exciting actually meeting someone, making a real friend, on StreetPass.

Monday finally arrived, and on his way home from work Alfred met Arthur again on his 3DS.

"U dont even know" read Arthur's message, grammar and punctuation all gone in favour of expressing his fanboyish excitement.

And that was when Alfred resolved to meet Arthur in real life. It would be a tricky process, but he was determined.

So Tuesday evening, Alfred kept his 3DS out as he walked back to the station after work. Every few seconds, he'd flick to the StreetPass application to see if he'd passed Arthur, hoping that he looked at least a bit like his Mii so Alfred would be able to spot him and say hello.

But no such luck.

Camping out on a bench beside his platform gate at the station on Wednesday proved just as fruitless, and on Thursday, Alfred was held back after work, and didn't see Arthur at all.

It was shocking how much that depressed him. This one little avatar had really brightened up his life these past two weeks, and the short personal messages they exchanged on their way home were something Alfred looked forward to every day.

On Friday, getting a bit desperate, Alfred decided to check his own train, just to be on the safe side. He knew it was probably a long shot, and it was pretty embarrassing prowling up and down the aisles of the train cars, peering into every face to see if it was Arthur. But he was just that determined.

He'd reached the last car and his heart had drooped miserably in his chest when he suddenly spotted tousled blond hair poking out from behind a seat-back a few rows ahead of him. Arthur's Mii has hair like that, Alfred thought to himself, hopefully. The man was facing away from him, but as Alfred tiptoed closer, he spotted a 3DS sitting in the man's lap.

A spring burst into Alfred's step and he almost skipped over to the stranger, standing next to his seat in the aisle and looking down at scruffy fair hair as the man focused on his 3DS. The passenger must have noticed someone standing next to him, though, for he glanced up, and a pair of green eyes widened in surprise as they met Alfred's brilliant, victorious smile.

So the big eyebrows were real, after all. Alfred found he was actually really glad to see them. It wouldn't be the same Arthur without them.

"You!" the man exclaimed, and Alfred beamed at him.

"Hello. I'm Alfred. Recently I've been playing StreetPass Plaza. By the way, I like cats. My dream for the future is to be a hero," Alfred recited, copying his Mii's greeting. Then he blushed, scratching nervously at the back of his neck. "And I couldn't really fit this in a sixteen character message so I've been trying to meet you so I could ask…do you wanna go out sometime?"

drabble: fic, month: march, creator: justa-fangirl

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