Title: The Perfect Present for Your Arch-Nemesis
Author: VAC
Rating: PG
Pairing: HP/LV
Challenge: Socks
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JKR. One week down. Hopefully starting NaNoWriMo tomorrow.
Day: 7
The present had arrived that morning.
Lord Voldemort sat at the dining room table, examining the package. He hadn’t been expecting any deliveries. He quickly cast a couple of spells to determine if the package had been jinxed in any way before hesitantly untying the ribbons. There was a card:
Thanks for the past six years, jackass. Happy Holidays.
And then he found the present: a pair of fuzzy pink socks. Without a doubt the most appalling muggle gift anyone could have purchased.
He made sure that none of his minions were lurking around before trying them on.