Apr 04, 2012 20:36
Currently trying not to be driven too nuts by the people who are wrong on the internet.
In this case, a person who has started a "everything you need to know about getting published" web site that you can only access the information via subscription. On all the about pages that are public, however, she carefully drums herself up as "SOMEONE WHO KNOWS." But she admits elsewhere "I haven't gotten beyond chapter 6 of my first novel." Oh, this is while saying "I'm going to write a blog post for my subscribers on how to get an agent." She doesn't have an agent, isn't ready to get an agent, hasn't done anything except poll some people who may be lying through their teeth.... BUT she going to post a blog post as if she's a leading authority on the subject.
Why would she do this? Because out there is now the idea that YOU MUST BUILD A PLATFORM. And how do you build a platform? By making people think you're wonderful. How do you make people think you're wonderful? By holding yourself up as an authority.
Sometimes I hate the internet.