Jan 22, 2005 22:08
so bored, as you can tell by my ramble ramble here.
yo winter, fuck off already!
yo wayne, your taking forever but i guess your still kinda okay haha
yo school, your seriously boring.
yo cold world, your amazing.
yo james, your dead for spraying me with dirt perfume/winning air hockey.
yo handheldheating pads, you actually work!
yo computer, stop having aids, thanks.
yo bullshit, dont care dont care dont care dont care
yo plane tickets, get in my hand.
yo west coast, me and matt are driving down you if i can get enough money.
yo katie, your tired
yo drama, your more boring than school.
yo stairs, no one else should sled down you.
yo people i havent talk to/seen in forever, thanks for all hitting me up at ONCE. hah
yo leg, are you pissed about storms fucking up your appointments?
yo new, your pretty chill
yo scam, we hang out too much.
yo kara, its funny, its bigger then a normal sized hat
yo flattery, thanks, you rule.
yo hdkshjksahdsa, hjkdshjfkdshaflds fdsjfhkjsadss
yo livejournal entry, your hella lame.
gotta bust