Movie Title: Waruboro
Year released in Japan: Summer 2007
Directed by:
Starring: Matsuda Shota, Aragaki Yui, Fukushi Seiji, Ryo Kimura, Furuhata Katsutaka, Shirota Yuu
Adaptation of Gettsu Itaya's semi-autobiographical novel, Waruboro, which seems to be a play on the Japanese pronunciation of Marlboro. Set in Tachikawa, Tokyo during the 1980s, it's a story of friendship and fisticuffs between junior high school boys. Matsuda plays the protagonist "Kochan" (modeled after Itaya, himself), a hot-headed delinquent, but diligent student whose childhood friends drag him into an exciting new world of snarling rebellion.
i love the look of this movie and the time frame it's set in. i also love shota. he's really coming into popularity slowly, but in his own way. i think he'll do a great job in this movie. i'm currently watching him in the drama "Liar Game" which is incredibly popular in japan right now. other familiar faces would be shirota yuu and ryo kimura. both of these guys are going to be in the new drama series Hana Kimi starting in July. i can't wait for that to come out. ^___^
also, i haven't updated in a long time b/c i'm starting school and when i do have time i get lazy. but i hope you all will continue to enjoy my random posts. i enjoy all the comments i receive, thanks!
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