Movie Title: Virgin Snow/First Snow
Released in Korea/Japan: 2006
Directed by: Han Sang Hee
Starring: Lee Jun Ki, Aoi Miyazaki
Tentatively entitled First Snow (or Virgin Snow), it stars Jun Ki, 24, as a Korean undergrad who follows his professor father to Japan, where he falls in love with a local student. The two first met last weekend when Aoi was in Seoul to attend a Japanese film festival.
For all the Jun Ki and Aoi fans, here's a new movie coming out for ya. I was kinda surprised I couldn't find more information about it. But I finally found a poster, so yay! I like how he speaks Japanese in the movie, I'm pretty sure it'll be decent. I've heard some Japanese speak Korean in some movies and it's slightly understandable (at least they tried). Well, I'm really looking forward to this movie. Lee Jun Ki is like the hottest thing now in Asia and Aoi paired with him is super cute. I can't get over her small, cute face. =D