Jan 11, 2006 12:00
it's funny how a pair of pants can bring back so many memories... i'm cleaning my room today and i find my favorite pair of pants. i remember paint the shack... clint, antonio, mike, and eck. how i messed everything up with clint. bah, i never should have listened to antonio and if certain people hadn't showed up at band camp that night to surprise me, who knows what would have happened. oh well. the show at elm church... meaghan went snow boarding, zach was the only guy to touch me, i carried antonio around on my back. the chi show thing, i took clint to. 11th grade history and psych class. heh, the rug burn on my back. new year's eve, freshman year, when jess, diana, and i called up joe and he told us his speakers were sexy. moyer and stage crew, be the bacon, feel yourself sizzling in the pan. the ball of light, two handed, you must not drop it. running into teeny and keith at walmart, i was out with ryan and he kept askin me for her number. band camp! my 18th birthday party. painting the band bus with the flesh eating paint. moyer's enh... jess. everything with dan. german class. kelly neary, i miss that girl. wow, all from a pair of pants. heh. and just like my pants, these are all fading memories now.