Colombia Nets Massive Cocaine Seizure

Jun 26, 2005 21:10

Back in May Columbia seized 15 tons of cocaine belonging to rebel groups. Oh yeah... They also caught 5 people with the cocaine.,2933,156529,00.html

This is obviously a great stride in the war on drugs.


In 2001 it was estimated that 400 tons of cocaine reach the United States each year and that approximately 200,000 people werre involved in its transportation and distribution.

So that means that this 15 tons is just under 4% of what reaches our borders. But hey, at least they knocked out .0025% of the people involved in cocaine wheeling and dealing.

So what did this do exactly? It hurt the profits of three rebel groups in Columbia. Big fuckin' deal.

So they find a new supplier or cut whatever drugs they still have, make them weaker or more volatile, and smuggle them into the United States.

There's a solution to all this...

1. Seal the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Mine it, put snipers and machinegun nests, or carnivorous robots that chop off your balls. Do what you need to do to keep it shut and stop the people who are trying to get across. Same with the Gulf of Mexico. Drop some mines in that fucker and watch that cocaine get those seagulls all fucked up.

2. Instead of funding Columbia and other shit-tastic countries, use that money to fund (a) law enforcement/border forces in the United States and (b) on bombs and defoliating agents to drop on South America.

3. All dealers, suppliers, and cultivators should be shot. Should there HAVE to be a trial, we can always take them behind the courthouse afterwards and shoot them.

I've said my peace.

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