Jun 03, 2006 22:32
you know, i never really update anymore...we're all spread so thin sometimes. i wonder what it'd be like to be simple. i remember this one time when i wsa in mexico for a mission trip just looking over the vast dessert land that the sun was setting upon...and my frizzy hair was blowing all up in my face, and i remember thinking that my life is so cluttered in america...there is so much noise, and that silence, in mexico, was the most beautiful noise. that trip taught me a lot. sometimes i lose sight of all i have learned... there was a little girl that had kinda taken to me...she smiled and we colored together, and i tried to speak spanish, and seh shook her head, and she pointed to my braided pigtails and called me heidi, and also kept repeating 'manyana' (sp?) i couldn't seem to bring that word up in my head, it had been two years since i had takin a lick of spanish and the next day, it hit me...i remembered the word must be 'tomorrow' because she came to the mission with braided pigtails. we didn't need to know the same language, we were already friends. it scares me that i don't remember things as well as i used too...i sometiems wish i would have written down every single even that ever happened. random funny stories from school, reasons why i held on to certain receipts or basketball tickets. what it felt like to be small...what it felt like to have dreams...if i saw a glimpse of my life now, when i was younger, would i be excited to grow up? would i have changed things? i really don't know. but thats all, for now. i hope everyone is doing well!