Fifth Avenue Fashions amovitamsim
Plant Pocket, Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice Wall Shelf, Higher Tech High Wall Shelf, Fab Ficus, Higher Tech Apron Rack, Retro Model T Dining Chair, Grin and Pear It Dining Table, Higher Tech Cake Plate ladysimplayer8
Three's A Crowd Ceiling Light, Countdown Sconce, Fab Ficus, Grin and Pear It Dining Table, Higher Tech Apron Rack, Higher Tech Cake Plate, Higher Tech High Wall Shelf, Plant Pocket, Retro Model T Dining Chair, Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice Wall Shelf misty_fluff
Fab Ficus, Retro Model T Dining Chair, Grin and Pear It Dining Table Hairs:
Mini-'Fro, Daddy-O ("Mod Twist")
Converted by: Trapping
Maxis Match recolors by:
skoogy |
selenaq13 |
Don't Flip Your Wig Hairstyle
Converted by: rented-space
all ages
Bouffant Bun
converted by: JulieJ
Jackie Open-Back Dress with Geo Pumps
Converted by: zeussims
Fixed &shoeswapped version with morphs by:
Foxy Lady Zip-Up Jumper
converted by: deedee
Top-only Items not converted:
Higher Tech Hot Beverage Machine (which is basically almost
Maylin's Retro Coffee Maker)
Hair not converted:
Glam Shag Hairstyle
Beehive Ponytail
Clothing not converted:
Waist Not Dress
T-Line Dress
A Little Bit Fishy
Messenger Brogues (shoes)
Convoy Pants
The Alice Skirt
First Lady Suit
Swingin' Sundress